Monday 15 April 2013

Kyoryuger: More Gold, Humans VS Robot Dinosaurs

More images for Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger has surfaced online, which features Utsusemimaru aka KyoryuGold's new outfit now that he is in the modern world, his transformation dance and how the other four Kyoryugers defeated their Voltasaur partners!

First is a picture of the Beast Battery #6: Pteragordon, which features the official English name of the item. On the right is the full shot of the KyoryuGold suit, and a profile image of Utsusemimaru.

Here is Utsusemimaru's transformation sequence into KyoryuGold, and by the looks of it, he has his own dance! He uses the Beast Battery #6: Pteragordon and the Gaburi Changer to transform.

As we all know, Utsusemimaru is a samurai from the Sengoku period 400 years ago. Like all samurais, he served a lord and his lord's name is Iwaisumimonosuke who looks exactly like Daigo, except he has a beard.

We reported days ago that voice actress Haruka Tomatsu will play the role of Candelira's human form. In the series, she is also Candelira's voice actress. It is said that she will appear in the show's 11th episode as an idol who will sing the song from the show's 6th episode to control people.

As we all know, for someone to be a Kyoryuger, he or she must defeat a Voltasaur with his own strength. Here are the images of how the other four Kyoryugers defeated their respective partner. Above is Nobuharu fighting Stegochi somewhere in the North Pole.

Here is Souji fighting Zakutor in Japan.

Here is Ian fighting Parasagun somewhere in Europe, and here is Amy fighting Dricera somewhere in the United States. The images that are found in the latest magazine scans will happen this April. For a guide for the episodes that will happen this month, you can check this Kyoryuger April Episode Guide for more details.