The official Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) live-action movie website made an update, revealing that the planned Fall 2013 release date is moved to 2014. Currently, the anime adaptation of Hajime Isayama's sleeper hit manga is now airing in Japan.
The story follows the life of humans after Titans suddenly appear and take over the entire world. To keep out these invaders who eat humans for food, the humans erect huge walls, but at the cost of their freedom in the outside world.
The production of the said movie adaptation started around October 2012, wherein the city of Itako posted a casting call for extras who are likely to play the Titans in the movie. Tetsuya Nakashima (Kamikaze Girls) was originally the director of the said movie. According to film distributor TOHO, Nakajima left the project because of creative differences on the script writing and other matters.
Source: Crunchyroll News
The story follows the life of humans after Titans suddenly appear and take over the entire world. To keep out these invaders who eat humans for food, the humans erect huge walls, but at the cost of their freedom in the outside world.
The production of the said movie adaptation started around October 2012, wherein the city of Itako posted a casting call for extras who are likely to play the Titans in the movie. Tetsuya Nakashima (Kamikaze Girls) was originally the director of the said movie. According to film distributor TOHO, Nakajima left the project because of creative differences on the script writing and other matters.
Source: Crunchyroll News