Monday 29 April 2013

Super Hero Taisen Z: Kyoryuzin + WizarDragon's Special Kick!

A new scan for Kamen Rider x Super Sentai x Space Sheriffs: Super Hero Taisen Z has surfaced online. The scan featured the special Kyoryuzin + WizarDragon combination and a folded version of one Metal Hero Key.

Just like your average Ranger Key, the Metal Hero Keys will feature the logo of the series the said key is part of. In addition, the scan also featured a full length shot of the Kyoryuzin + WizarDragon combination kicking Demon King Psycho.

Produced by Shinichiro Shirakura (Super Hero Taisen), this movie is directed by Osamu Kaneda (OOO - Den-O - All Riders: Let's Go KAMEN RIDERS) and written by Shoji Yonemura (Kamen Rider Kabuto). Super Hero Taisen Z premiered last April 27, 2013.