Thursday 7 February 2013

Gekisou Sentai Carranger 15 – Zonette Heart Red Racer?!

Dun, dun, dun, dun. Dun, dun, du-dun.

For days, Zonette has a dream that she is married to Red Racer in a Catholic church officiated by Glutch, who looks like a Jewish (?) priest in this one. For some reason, it seems that she fell in love with Red Racer! Can she tell her true feelings for her dearest Red Racer?

Zonette having a crush on Red Racer was hinted in episode 13 but never had a chance to expand it on episode 14 thanks to the Crackaboom Legend. Speaking of which, Zonette was barely in that episode. And thus, along with the newly upgraded G.G. Roachy, they decided to go to Earth. While she is buying imo-yokan, she saw a video of Red Racer in action on television. For once, we saw her heart flutter and learned that she's in love with Red Racer.

It's quite rare to see a villain fell in love with a hero. For starters, seeing a villain fell in love with a hero is something that is quite rare in a superhero show. Since there are no other female villains in this series, she needs love advice. Much to my surprise, instead of reading romance novels like most girls do, she decides to read shojo manga. This scene gave me this idea when it comes to Zonette's level of reading comprehension and what type of literature she likes to read. She prefers pictures over words. Kinda makes sense since she is part of a biker gang and it's kinda rare to see a member read fine literature.

Some cool side stuff in this scene, we see Ichitaro and her mom in the bookstore and asked her mom if he can have what Zonette is wearing! For a kid's show, this is some weird stuff. Back to Zonette, I find it funny that she is reading Sailor Moon considering that the anime adaptation is produced by Toei Animation! Now comes the fun part in this episode, instead of using G.G. Roachy for wrecking major havoc with dancing, Zonette just used him just to call Red Racer's attention! The best part about this scene is that she took the words of the manga too literally!

By too literal, I mean she took the words "attack" and "love letter" in her plan! The "attack" has something to do with attacking the Carrangers, and the "love letter" has something to do with giving Red Racer a love letter while the other Carrangers are busy with G.G. Roachy's attacks on them! It's so literal that it hurts not to laugh how crazy Zonette is when it comes to understanding English. The bad thing about this plot is that G.G. Roachy ruined it in a way that Red Racer reverted back to Kyosuke!

What's funny about this scene is that Zonette didn't figure out that Kyosuke and Red Racer is just a single person! It makes sense since she didn't see any of the Carrangers transform in front of Bowzock and second, she can assume that he just picked up Red Racer's letter during the quake. Before he can hand over the letter, the other Carrangers appeared and save this "civilian", causing Zonette and G.G. Roachy to retreat. As for the contents of the love letter, you can see the sincerity Zonette put in it when she wrote it. Guess Zonette is not really bad after all, plus she is quite a hottie.

Back to Zonette, she once again consults a shojo manga for another love advice. From all the advices she took, she took the love umbrella one! Because part of the charm for it to be effective involves the size of the charm, what she did is to turn G.G. Roachy into a giant for him to paint a large love umbrella charm! Oh the things you can do for love... even if it has something to do with vandalizing private property! It's quite cheesy and I love this kind of dedication for love.

Stopping G.G. Roachy is Signalman and the Sirender! Just like in the previous episode, Signalman is once again back in the sidelines. To put it simply, you can remove Signalman out of the picture and this episode will still be the same. Also arriving to stop G.G. Roachy is RV Robo! Now that the Carrangers are here, Zonette calls out Red Racer and shows him the love umbrella! It's seriously romantic that if I were in Red Racer's position, I don't know how to react about it! Will I be glad that a super villain will give me Wumper support if my team is in trouble or will I pull a poker face? Red Racer did option 2.

What's more, Zonette gave Red Racer her feelings for him, which is in a form of a stuffed heart figure. Instead of Red Racer answering her feelings in a proper manner like every guy does, he reverts back into Kyosuke. As Kyosuke, he told his true feelings for Zonette that they can never be together. To be honest, I find this decision a bit bad. I mean, the girl did the first move and you will reject her without giving her a proper chance?! That's cold man!

He runs away and realized that his approach is quite cold and decides to start first as friends with her. As for Zonette, it seems that her feelings for Red Racer are now gone and thus, she ordered G.G. Roachy to attack Sirender and RV Robo! Instead of seeing him get defeated by some epic finisher, he was defeated because of a couple of punches that destroyed the tape, causing him to revert back to normal. Well this is one disappointing giant battle. The episode ends and they have to do some clean-up on Zonette's love umbrella mess. But as for Kyosuke, he is just staring from afar for some reason. If only you didn't act like a bit of a jerk when you rejected Zonette earlier in the episode...