Saturday 16 February 2013

Power Rangers: Clash of the Red Rangers the Movie DVD Trailer

Here's the official trailer for the upcoming DVD release of Power Rangers: Clash of the Red Rangers the Movie this March 5th. The movie features the team-up of the Samurai Rangers and RPM Ranger Red.

The Samurai Rangers team-up with the mysterious RPM Ranger Red to fight off dual threats from Master Xandred's Mooger army and a robotic supervillain from the RPM Ranger's dimension, but when both Red Rangers get struck with hypnobolts they turn against one another, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance.

The DVD includes bonus material such as the Power Rangers MEGA Album Playlist, a "Train Like a Ranger" Video, an "Auditions" Featurette, and Bloopers.

Special thanks to RangerCrew for the video!