Saturday 16 February 2013

Kamen Rider BLACK 13 – Crab Eggs & New Skills

Also, BLACK saves a puppy. Yeah.

Mothers are separated with their newly born babies thanks to the Crab Mutant. Kamen Rider tries to beat him; the problem is that its armor is so hard that his Rider Punch can break it! Can Kamen Rider BLACK find a way to defeat this Mutant?

Gorgom's plan in this episode is kinda ridiculous and it doesn't make sense for starters. It's ridiculous because the Crab Mutant kidnaps mothers just to take care of its eggs. Once these eggs hatch, Gorgom will use the babies as their foot soldiers. Though the plan sounds ridiculously great, it doesn't make sense because they had an episode focusing on the supply of Gorgumes, the food of the Mutants in this episode. I mean, once the eggs hatch, what will they feed to these creatures? Or will they just let them die of starvation?

BLACK's fight in this episode is seriously great as this is one of those times that BLACK is on the verge of losing. If he didn't call Road Sector to save him, or that he didn't wash the bubbles in his body in a nearby river, chances are he will die in this episode. As his body regenerates after he was saved by Road Sector, he analyzes his previous fights to think of a possible counter attack on the enemy.

Thankfully, his bike has some blood stains of the Mutant, causing him to analyze it. Aside that it is flammable; we also learned that Kotaro has a pile of books in his warehouse base. Aside that it came in handy when he is looking for a bacteria that matched on what he saw when he examined the blood in a microscope, it didn't do much when it comes to finding a way on how to beat the Mutant. Now comes my favorite part of this episode, the training scene.

The training scene looks fine I guess. Aside from the montage of BLACK breaking trees and rocks, this scene becomes a bit silly when BLACK saved a puppy who is hanging for his life! I find it silly because why the heck a puppy is seen wandering in an abandoned quarry, unless s/he is a bad master and decides to abandon a puppy in an abandoned quarry, and hoping that nothing bad will happen to the puppy. But it is all thanks to the same puppy that BLACK figured out a way to defeat the MOTW!

Before talking about it, let's talk about the mother and her kid first. I first thought that the mothers were brainwashed after they were abducted, but nope, they only sound monotonous when they are taking care of the crab monster eggs. The kid is one pivotal character in this episode as he acted like the way for the audience to discover that the mothers are acting out of fear, and not they are controlled by someone. Thankfully, Kamen Rider BLACK arrives and saves them from the Crab Mutant!

The fight between BLACK and the MOTW in the episode is really a good one. After doing some punches and evades the MOTW's bubble attack, Kotaro displays his wit in battle. Instead of charging the opponent again like what he did earlier, he observes his surroundings before doing his next move. In this case, after finding some spilled oil in the corner, he starts throwing barrels of oil to the MOTW before lighting it all up with a sparking electric wire! This made me realize one thing, why Gorgom is keeping some flammable materials in Crab Mutant's place?

Now that the MOTW is at its weakest, it is time to see Kamen Rider BLACK's new Rider Punch and Kick! BLACK's new Rider Punch is basically crunching his legs to his arms and punches the enemy! But what made my jaw drop aside from the new version of the seizure inducing effects is how the heck the suit actor does it in midair? I mean, I tried doing it once only to fail at the end. Same goes with the kick; he will also crunch legs and do a kick! At the end, he defeated the MOTW and burns the eggs so that they will not hatch. Now that this all over, I am starting to ask, why he didn't call the Battle Hopper if he only needs a bike?