Friday 8 February 2013

Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters 48 – The Trap is Sprung

The final battle... begins.

Hiromu is now aware that he is Enter's backup so what's next? Jin and rest are looking for a possible way to remove the card out of his body by using the principles of transport. As for Enter, he creates a new Escape and realized something about love.

The previous episode in a really dark note thanks to the revelation about Enter's backup. They continued with it in this episode. Hiromu for starters, is kinda frustrated that the only option to save everyone is for him to die. Though he tries to hide it by saying that he is okay, it is pretty obvious that he is lying. Hiromu is on a dilemma on what to do next, and as much as possible, he doesn't want his friends to be involved with it. As for the ones who are trying to figure out about how they can remove Hiromu's card, we learn more the concept of transport in this series.

Transport in this series works similarly with Star Trek's concept of transport according to a friend of mine. You are turned into a pile of data in point A and your data will be reassembled in point B. In short, they can remove the card in between point A and point B. Since Hiromu is now a clump of data in that time, one wrong move can render Hiromu's data corrupted. For some reason, Jin reacted rather violently after the explanation. Considering that series head writer Yasuko Kobayashi is fond of foreshadowing some important stuff, I guess it has something to do with Jin's original body in Hyperspace. It didn't help that J has that look when we are talking about Jin's body!

At the end, Hiromu decided to face Enter alone, but Nick will not let him. We can see the bond between these two in this very brief scene. This scene also showed us Hiromu's concern towards his friends, that he doesn't want them to get involved with it. As expected, they weren't able to stop Hiromu and the next day, he finally faces Enter in battle.

The fight between Hiromu and Enter is fantastic that we see Hiromu do every trick he has in his sleeve just to defeat Enter. But because Enter has Hiromu's data, we slowly see his fighting style to become more similar to Hiromu's fighting style. It didn't help that he was able to copy Enter's techniques in Powered Custom mode such as the Volcanick Attack and Hiromu's teleportation technique! While he is busy fighting Enter, the other Go-Busters are searching for him. The search is interrupted thanks to the new Escape created by Enter.

This new Escape is more vicious compared the second Escape we saw in this series. Her personality is closer to the original Escape with a lot of upgrades, turning her into some chimera-like being. Chimera-like in a sense that she is absorbing a lot of animal data that we even saw her absorb a dog on screen. It's so vicious that it feels like it is something that PETA will complain if this organization exists in Japan! Thankfully, they are not graphic about it when it comes to showing us how Escape absorbed animal data.

The fight of the other Busters with Escape is fine I guess. The main highlight of this fight is Escape absorbing buildings to become a giant being. The giant Escape is basically the Zeta Megazord with a lot of modifications to make it look like more of a monster. Using the Go-Buster King, the other Busters face Escape. This is when I noticed something, we barely see Hiromu part of the Go-Buster King formations, it is either Ryuji or Jin inside the Li-Oh. Aside from that observation, I just love Ryuji's concern on Escape. I agree with Ryuji that Escape's cycle of resetting must end. Seriously, she doesn't do much right now and she needs to rest for good.

As for the giant fight itself, it's quite interesting, but it is not the thing that can put me at the edge of my seat. After defeating her with an Emission Break finisher, she reverts back to regular Escape. No flowers or any animal skin in her body. Though we didn't see his face, it seems that his feelings for Escape reflect on his helmet as he silently mourns to the loss of someone he can consider his rival. I see this scene as some guy silently mourning for the loss of his girlfriend, makes me wish that he will have a happy ending when it comes to love life.

Back to Hiromu, he attempted to do another Volcanick Attack to engulf Enter in flames. It's a smart move if they want to force Enter to remove the card, but it is also reckless since we don't know if Hiromu can survive the flames. At the end, Enter protected his backup, and yes, he is still alive. Like what he said, every time he dies, he returns stronger than the previous version. But the biggest surprise is that he is close in becoming Hiromu's clone as he can duplicate Hiromu's face! But what made my jaw drop and made me wish that I can watch the next episode soon is Enter saying the words, "Let's morphin." Yep, Enter will transform into a Buster.