Wednesday 13 February 2013

Tensou Sentai Goseiger 09 – Gotcha! Gosei Girls

Badass? Badass.

Eri's air headedness finally gets into Moune's nerves, causing her to show her bossiness around. As for how Eri's handles Moune's bossiness, she continues to act like an airhead. Can the two finally understand each other at the end of the episode, especially when the boys are captive by Aelien, Queen of the Hive?

Before talking about the contents of the episode, let's talk about Aelien and Dareptor. To those who are not aware, Aelien is obviously a direct reference to the Alien movie franchise, to be more specific, she was based on the movie, Alien II. Dareptor is a reference to the Predator franchise. Since we have an Alien and a Predator in this episode, it is expected that the two will have some fights. Much to my disappointment, their fights are basically word wars, and only showed us their connection with their respective movie name references.

We all know that Eri is quite an airhead while Moune is the other half of the rock and tumble Landick duo. In this episode, we saw a different side her, her bossy side. I can understand why she needs to be bossy because for a Guardian Angel, Eri is quite irresponsible as she used her Tensouder as a bookmark to some book that she is reading and that she is eating afternoon snacks during breakfast time! As for how Eri handles Moune's bossiness is something that gets me every time. I mean, she doesn't notice the changes in Moune's tone unlike the boys and just acts as free spirited as ever, which caused their discussion about "house rules" to end up into food discussion, to be more specific, about ice cream.

Speaking of the boys, Agri, Hyde and Nozomu were able to run away, leaving poor Alata behind. I pitied Alata in this one, I mean, both girls are a bit pushy and his other teammates sacrificed him. As for his other two teammates, they fought Aelien and ended up losing to her. I guess this is what you call divine retribution for what they did to Alata earlier! Speaking of Alata, he arrives just in time along with Eri and Moune. The fun part about his entrance is that Aelien thought that he is a she! Guess even the writers are aware that most fans thought Alata is a girl at first! One thing to note in this scene is the fight choreography; it's so darn good that I was at the edge of my seat watching it!

As for the girls in this episode, Eri's air headedness and her attempt to create a new Gosei Buster combination caused them the boys and the beating courtesy of Aelien. But it is also thanks to Eri's air headedness that Moune figured out how they can find the boys since Datas is useless in this one. Moune's method in looking for the boys is some ingenious. The writers were able to incorporate Moune's element in their search as she used the male trees in locating Aelien's hideout.

Speaking of this hideout, the boys are her furniture thanks to her technique that allowed them to stay stiff for most of the time. Since they can't move, they have no choice but to follow Aelien's orders. This leads us to an interesting exchange between the Gosei boys and Aelien, that she is not a good queen, that there are two better queens than her, which is obviously Moune and Eri. Speaking of these two, they arrived just in time to save the boys... or not.

Their bickering about what course of action they should take is kinda hilarious but this also showed us their differences when it comes to making better decisions, which then leads us to their supposed "double" transformation sequence. Moune binding Eri is quite a jerk move but after learning that she wants to protect Eri, it turns out that she actually cares for her friend. As for Eri, she also has the same feelings like that of Moune, she wants to protect her no matter what! Before I will get into that, I'll talk about Moune's fight with Aelien in this scene.

Moune's fight in this scene is quite interesting as she uses the Landick Brothers in this one. The Headder switching featured in this episode is quite well done and showed us that the Headders are sentient beings in a way that they are just floating around while they are on standby. Now for Eri's resolve about protecting her friend, it is because of this resolve that she unlocked the Skyick Brothers card. She did a couple of Headder switching moves just to beat Aelien and save Moune before performing a very special finisher called Ultimate Dinosaur Trick featuring the Ptera Headder and the Tyranno Headder attached on the Gosei Blasters.

Now that we are done with it, it's time for the giant battle featuring Skyick GoseiGreat! Skyick GoseiGreat is one interesting combination as it doesn't feature any removal of the main five Headders because the combination is basically two Headders attached in GoseiGreat's wings and a new head. Since this is a debut of this new combination, this episode featured some interesting giant fight scenes.

As for his moves, aside from the obvious ability to fly, I kinda hated the Sonic Boom move because it feels a bit weird for my taste. At least it is not some triple Headder peck attack or something similar to it! For the Victory Charge finisher, it looks amazing and reminded me a bit of Jetman's Icarus Harken. The episode ends and the girls are closer than ever! As for Alata, well, he is still stuck with these girls thanks to Hyde, Agri and Nozomu leaving him behind!