Friday 15 February 2013

New Zealand Casting Agency is Looking for More Power Rangers Extras!

New Zealand casting agency Background Talent, Ltd. posted their casting call for the month of February 2013. Part of this casting call is for Power Rangers.

Here's the description for the job.

Filming for the current hit season of the long-running American television series Power Rangers is still on (! More talent is needed to make the costumed heroes appear as if they're in a real-life setting — not just make-believe! Please let us know if you're interested in this job.

Contact Deborah at

What's interesting is that the picture they posted is not Tensou Sentai Goseiger, but Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger! Take note, the second season of Power Rangers Megaforce will feature footage coming from Gokaiger.

Special thanks to Brian Rommel for the heads up!