Haruto learned that Sora still has a human heart but later learns the dark truth about his persona. Also in this episode, we learned why Chiaki is working really hard in her modeling job.
If there is one episode that surprised me in this series, it would be this episode. I mean seriously, the plot is starting to move again and that they were able to mix the Gate of the week plot with the actual plot of the episode! Before talking about Sora in this episode, let's first talk what he revealed during the course of the episode. First is the mysterious Sabbat, as it turns out it has something to do with the eclipse and creating more Phantoms can help them reach this kind of goal. Next is about Koyomi, his argument that Koyomi is not a husk of a Phantom makes sense, I mean, how can she become a husk if Phantoms destroy their human Gates? It makes total sense! This leaves us to one big question, what is Koyomi just a simple doll feed by mana or something greater than that?
Before we learned Sora's dark persona and how the heck he was able to retain his humanity, we finally learned Chiaki's motivation on why she is working hard as a model. She wants to look for her father who left them after her mother died. To be honest, I find her motivation pointless, I mean her father just left her alone because of depression! Why bother looking for that guy?

Finally, we learned Sora's motivations and why his humanity is left intact. For starters, I just love that compared to other Phantoms, he is still living in his old apartment building with his stuff neatly arranged. But the biggest surprise is his dark side, which connected with the Gate of the episode. Because of his dark side, it makes sense why he was able to retain his humanity. As it turns out, he is rotten to the core before he became a Phantom. To those who haven't noticed, the Phantom that came from the Gate is the evil clone of the Gate. It makes perfect sense if he still retained it because he is a serial killer and his victims are chicks wearing white and with long hair.
This is when the Gate of the week plot comes in; Chiaki is wearing a white dress and has long hair. The scene featuring these two is really creepy that it sends chills to my spine. From the post Decade Kamen Rider shows, this is probably the second most messed up scene that I ever saw. First being the young Kiyoto Maki committing arson because he wants his sister to remain unmarried and that his view of her being a good sister will remain in his head.
After learning the truth about Sora, Haruto and Kousuke looked for Sora and the Gate, and lucky enough they arrived just in time before Chiaki will fall to despair. Kousuke took care of the Phantom of the week while as for Haruto, he ends up fighting Sora. The fights in this episode are really impressive. Beast is doing really well and that he was able to chow down the Phantom of the week, saving Chiaki.
As for Haruto and Sora, I just love the exchange they have before they fight. Sora is sincere in wanting Haruto as his friend. I mean, both of them are freaks in a way, so why not make friends with a wizard? But nope, Haruto hates how messed up Sora is and decides to fight him. So yeah, the two fight and Haruto transforms into Wizard Infinity. The fight between the two is fun to watch but sadly, it ended with Sora escaping but before that, he told Haruto about obtaining the Philosopher's Stone. This means that there are two things left unanswered in the series. What is the Philosopher's Stone and what is the reason why Koyomi existed. I can't believe that this show is becoming interesting again. Finally, Chiaki's father sent her a letter. Guess everything went fine all along.