Thursday 3 January 2013

Power Rangers Super Megaforce to Use Ranger Keys in the Future

The Megaforce Cast.

Fury Diamond of RangerCrew, a reliable source about Power Rangers news posted some interesting info about Power Rangers Megaforce that came from his sources!

Here's what he posted:

  1. HCH = high school initials
  2. Ranger Keys will be used in Super Megaforce. No details on who will use the keys and how much they will be used in the season.
  3. The integration between Megaforce and Super Megaforce sounds pretty good (my opinion) based on how they handle Goseiger and Gokaiger primary villains. I can't go into further details on this one, but I have a feeling that Vrak will continue his role in Season 2.

Take note, it is still not sure if the Ranger Keys will be exclusively for the Silver Ranger (GokaiSilver) or will be used by the entire team. Also take note that the Gosei Morphers also include special sounds for the past Power Rangers teams.

Power Rangers Megaforce premieres in early 2013 on Nickelodeon.