Tuesday 22 January 2013

Mothra Rewrite (?), Godzilla Remake is Not Campy

In a roundtable discussion with the science fiction news website io9, actor Sam Witwer (Smallville, Being Human, The Mist) revealed that he is "working on a Mothra rewrite right now."

He mentioned this during io9's discussion with writer Frank Darabont (The Walking Dead), the writer of Legendary Pictures and Warner Brothers' Godzilla remake. Speaking of which, he revealed that the new Godzilla movie will not be campy.

UPDATE: Mothra rewrite is just a joke.

He revealed in that same roundtable discussion that they are taking a cool new approach to Godzilla as they want him to be a terrifying force of nature. He also talked about the "very compelling human drama that I got to weave into it", which according to him is not the cliche one.

Similar to the original Godzilla being a metaphor for the atomic bomb, the new Godzilla will also symbolize something, which he didn't reveal in the discussion.

Godzilla is scheduled to open this May 16, 2014.