Tuesday 29 January 2013

Bakuman S3 13 – Copycats & Real Crime

The original Perfect Crime Party.

Because of the incident involving criminals copying perfect crimes from PCP, Takagi is on a state of depression as it affects the way he is writing the manga. Can Takagi have his writing grove back?

Takagi being greatly affected by the copycat crimes is understandable because he wrote PCP. That is why, it makes sense that even though he thinks that he is writing PCP like he always do, he ends up unconsciously writing material that is not the same quality like that of the previous chapters. To put it simply, he is on a struggle on how he can get his writing groove back thanks to the copycat crimes. It didn't surprise me at one point that he even asked his wife if he is fine if their future kids will copy PCP's perfect crimes! To put it simply, he is a man who needs emotional support right now.

To add up the depression, PCP's rankings dropped to the double-digit category and that Niizuma's CROW is getting the number 1 ranking for a couple of issues now. It didn't help that the copycat crimes now claimed that they are PCP! For once, we saw Takagi go into a rage, he acted like he is not the cool and calculated Takagi that we know. The only way to calm himself down is to scribble his depression away, though it is not helping at all.

Because of what happened to Takagi, Kaya is now concerned about her husband and decided to call Mashiro, which leads to Mashiro realizing something that the copycat criminals didn't realize. The PCP are not criminals, just pranksters who just loves to have fun. Thanks to this, Takagi finally have his groove back and writes a PCP story based on the PCP copycat crimes. The only problem I have with this one is that they didn't reveal the fate of the PCP copycat criminals.

Meanwhile, Nakai is having problems with Aoki but thanks to Hiramaru; it's resolved, which ended up with Nakai becoming Hiramaru's assistant. Well this will be interesting.