Saturday 1 December 2012

Sword Art Online 21 – The Truth of ALfheim

How horrible...!

Kirito and Leafa finally reached the town of Arun and will soon begin their quest on top of the World Tree. But first, they need to take a break because of the scheduled maintenance. Meanwhile, Asuna is busy trying to escape the game but along the way, she discovers one of ALO's secrets.

The episode has a lot talking going on and to start it, we have Sugu finally meeting Asuna for the first time and finally, understand her feelings for her brother. She finally understanding that she fell in love with her brother is something that I expect. I mean, her actions every time she is near with her brother speaks for itself. It is more than just being shy in front of her brother but she is in a stage of growing up that it is natural to be attracted on someone older than her if she doesn't have a crush on someone from her class and in this case, her brother.

Aside from that, we also learned that the government decided to turn one abandoned school into a special school for the players who are still studying. I guess it is expected because the players still need to go under rehabilitation, to slowly get used with the real world since for 2 years, they are stuck in some video game and going to school with the same people they are stuck in the game is a great way to slowly adapt in the real world.

While Sugu is talking to herself about her issues with Asuna, Asuna discovered a room was Sugou's experiments are being held. The experiment is rather horrible and like what Asuna pointed out, it's unethical. After finding the control console so that she can log out in the game, she is then captured by the ones who are conducting the experiment, two giant tentacle men. I am dead serious. This is then followed with a scene where she is in binds by one of the tentacle men and we see a see that came straight from some tentacle hentai movie. I am dead serious about it. It is so horrible that I am not sure what is running on the author's mind when he decided to write this scene.

As expected, Sugou is pissed and Asuna is back on her cage. To make matters worse, the password on her cage is changed because hey, that's their only security system. Since Asuna is back on her cage, let's return to Kirito and Leafa and because of what happened earlier in the hospital, Leafa decides to shed her tears in the game and Kirito is comforting her! If only Kirito knew that the reason for her heartbreak is because her brother Kazuto is waiting for her girl to recover from her coma.

Since they are now in Arun, they decided to wander around the first thing I notice is that nobody cares on what race you are in and by the looks of it, some found love from a different race. The episode ends with Yui detecting Asuna's signal in the area. It can only mean one thing, Asuna is just nearby and that Kirito must save her from Sugou. Kirito's grand quest in saving the girl of his life begins.