Tuesday 25 December 2012

The Hexagon: A Planned Power Rangers Crossover Season that Didn't Happen

Before Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger was adapted into Power Rangers Ninja Storm, Amit Bhaumik, the man responsible for the "Forever Red" and "Reinforcements from the Future" episodes of Power Rangers Wild Force made a rough draft of "The Hexagon", a season that will tie up loose ends of the Power Rangers franchise.

According to his blog post, The Hexagon is an organization that unifies past Ranger teams led by Tommy Oliver. To sum up his idea, the season will feature a lot of recurring past Rangers, a new US-exclusive Ranger in the form a Yellow Beetle Ranger and a major conflict between The Hexagon and a rogue group of Power Rangers (the Gouraigers).

Tommy will use the Shurikenger suit and become the "most powerful Ranger ever created because he would in the end be the final challenge the Rangers would have to unite against to fight". Jason, the first Red Ranger will also be a recurring character in this one and will serve as a big brother figure to the rouge Power Rangers.

A lot of loose plot threads in the previous seasons will be addressed in this series. Such as the identity of the Phantom Ranger, Terra Venture's space travel and other ideas that will fix some problems older fans had with the series. This is for the next series to start with a really clean slate.

Aside from fixing a lot of loose ends, there is also a planned Wild Force team-up featuring Merrick, Zen-Aku, Jindrax and Toxica. Lastly, the series is also planned to address some political issues of its time.

If you like this overview of the planned Hexagon series, you can read Amit Bhaumik's full post about it. [READ IT HERE.]