Saturday 22 December 2012

Kamen Rider Wizard Land Dragon Shaking the Ground this January 2013!

After the debut of Kamen Rider Wizard Water Dragon last week, here are the first scans of Kamen Rider Wizard's fourth Dragon form, the Kamen Rider Wizard Land Dragon! This form is set to debut on January 2013.

Using the Land Dragon Ring, Kamen Rider Wizard Land Style can transform into this form. Using the Special Ring, Wizard Land Dragon gains WizarDragon's claws that he can use in battle.

In addition, just like the previous two Dragon forms, he also gains a new ring, the Gravity Ring that allows him to control gravity. As seen in the scan, he can smack his opponent to the ground, creating a large crater.

Outside the Land Dragon related rings, he also has a new Excite Ring, this ring allows him to become ultra muscular. In addition, two Phantoms will make an appearance next month and they are the Manticore and Hydra Phantoms.

Source: TIMELESS DIMENSION, Alpha Hero Shock