Saturday 22 December 2012

Go-Busters & Gokaiger Mecha to Transform into Past Super Sentai Mecha!

The use of the giant Ranger Keys that we saw in the trailer and teasers for the upcoming Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters vs. Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger the Movie is finally revealed! These keys will allow their mecha to transform into past Super Sentai mecha!

The mecha changes that we saw in this scan are GaoKing, FlashKing, MagiKing, DaiBouken, DaiZyuJin, RyuseiOh and GekiTouja. In addition, new Buddyroid Ranger Keys will also appear in the movie.

Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters vs. Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger the Movie will premiere this January 19th.

Source: Alpha Hero Shock