Sunday 8 September 2013

Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger 25 – Luckyuro's Revenge?!


Thanks to Luckyuro, our heroes are having nightmares and now they can't sleep for days! With the only tactic to defeat the MOTW's pillow is one strong sword strike, can Souji find a way to wake himself up so that he can help his friends?

This episode is obviously a filler episode to lighten up the mood after the long KyoryuViolet arc and having Luckyuro as one of the central characters in this episode really makes sense. But if there is one thing I can't help but notice is the fact that instead of Amy who kinda serves as Luckyuro's rival, the episode is focused on Souji. To be honest, I am completely fine with it since that guy lacks any character focused episodes along with Amy. But unlike Amy who manages to have little character development from time to time, Souji feels like he's just there for most of the time along with Ian and this is an opportunity for him to have that needed character development.

Since this is a Souji episode, Katsurama also makes an appearance in this episode! Because of this, I kinda expected that they will develop her relationship with Souji, but nope, Souji is still insensitive about her feelings. By insensitive, I mean he still can't figure out that Katsurama likes him more than as a friend. Oh well, he will eventually figure out that Katsurama has a crush on him around the time the show will end.

As for the Deboth plan in this episode, it's more focused on Luckyuro wanting his revenge on the Kyoryugers. I mean, since Dark Species Deboth is kinda dead by now, and Luckyuro is the one left so... yeah, a revenge plot that will fit to his characteristics and having a monster that can create nightmares is one smart plan. This then lead us to the content of their dreams, their dreams are both creepy and hilarious at the same time. Creepy because of Luckyuro's head on top of someone else's head and hilarious because the dreams are kinda random.

To add up the comedy, their ways of trying to wake themselves up are quite funny. I mean, they used Ovirapoo to wake themselves up and later, traditional slapstick comedy for some of the Kyoryugers. As for Souji, he still feels sleepy; this is when Katsurama becomes relevant in this episode. Thanks to her special drink, Souji now has the energy to fight the MOTW! The drink looks putrid since it looks like it is made from various vegetables but hey, that's what they need, vitamins and minerals to keep their bodies energized!

Because the drink is quite effective, Souji shared it and it is time for the final fight in this episode. Unlike previous episodes, the roll call is kinda fast, which leads to some quick comedy. This also leads us to one quick mecha fight because they want to finish this quickly. By quickly, I mean overkill. For the first time, we see the three main Kyoryuger robots together just to defeat one enemy whose main ability is making people sleepy and haunt their dreams. So yeah, they defeated the MOTW and the day saved... or so they thought.

Thanks to what Luckyuro did in this episode, it gave time for the Deboth Legion to recover after their defeat and to figure out how they can defeat the Kyoryugers. The revelation that all of the Deboth generals are still alive is really well made. What I like about it is that they put a lot of emphasis on the rivalries of the characters who has issues with any of these guys. With that in mind, what's next for the Legion? This is then we learned that what can counter bravery and that is hatred. This lead us to the birth of a new enemy, the Soldier of Hatred named Endorf. Is he strong enough to defeat our heroes once and for all?