Sunday 8 September 2013

Kamen Rider Wizard 47 – Revelations

Now that Koyomi is safe from Sora, I guess it is time to worry about a Gate for a bit. Meet Yamamoto, a guy who is about to become a father soon and because of what we learned, that's the target of the Phantoms, to kill his wife.

For the Koyomi stuff in this episode, the only thing the episode did is show us where she is, in some magic plane created by her father... and that's about it. The episode just tells us that Koyomi is safe and Sora is badly injured thanks to the White Wizard. As for how Kousuke and the others reacted about Koyomi being with the White Wizard, I think they handled the news quite nicely, especially after Haruto assured them that the White Wizard will protect his only daughter.

Now that we are done with the Koyomi stuff in this episode, it's time to talk about the Gate. The Gate is too concerned about his wife, which is really cool in my book. So concerned about her that she even asked Haruto and his friends to look for her when she is not answering his calls! It is also during one of those searches that we learned what the White Wizard needs so that he can give Mayu a new Ring, he needs Haruto's Infinity Ring. The reason behind it is quite understandable actually; we don't know the full extent of the powers of the Infinity Ring since it's something that was created by Haruto out of desperation and his tears. Or you can also see in another way, he wants to get rid of a nuisance, which is in the form of the Infinity Ring.

I didn't expect that Haruto will give the Infinity Ring to Mayu. What I like about this scene is that he is willing to gamble with Mayu when it comes to defeating Medusa and hopefully, this gamble will pay off. Back to the Gate, they finally figured out where his wife went; she just went shopping because of her cravings! So yeah, the shopping went well that is until the Phantom and Medusa appeared. To make matters a bit worse, the Gate appeared just in time for Medusa to kill his wife, resulting to the Gate to fall in despair.

Thankfully, Haruto arrived just in time to save Yamamoto's wife and with that in mind, Yamamoto stopped falling into despair. To be honest, his success of not falling into despair didn't have the same level of pay-off like in Mayu or Yuzuru's case. Comparing those two to Yamamoto, their struggle made us care for them. It didn't help that they made a connection with the main cast, in Mayu's case is her connection with Medusa and in Yuzuru's case, his friendship with Kousuke. As for Yamamoto, he feels like your average Gate of the arc that his success from not falling in despair feels underwhelming.

Now that we are done with the Gate plot, I guess it is time to talk about the only thing relevant in this episode, Mayu vs. Medusa. But before talking about that, Wizard and Beast defeated the Phantom. Back to Mayu vs. Medusa, the fight between the two is seriously fun to watch, but the fun ended when Mayu pulled out her new ring, the Holy Ring. This is when the fight ended up becoming who can shoot the strongest beam attack. To be honest, there is nothing wrong with it but it's one boring way to end a fight that started out so well.

The result of the fight is something that I didn't expect. I mean, this episode feels like the final part of Mayu's character arc, but nope, it ended with Medusa being alive. That kind of ending really sucks but thankfully, they were able to make up for it by finally confirming all of our assumptions and theories about the White Wizard and Wiseman connection. As expected, the White Wizard and Wiseman is just a single person and yes, he is just using Medusa for his goals.

As for these goals, the only thing clear is that he needs wizards for some magic stuff. As for why he needs wizards, the episode didn't answer it. But to be honest, you can figure out that easily. I mean, he has a daughter who needs constant supply of mana, plus wizards can only provide her mana. Piece those two plot points together; the series is about turning Koyomi into a human being. But how about the times when he is releasing magic stones out of his body? I have no idea how is this relevant to advancing the White Wizard's objectives.

Since Medusa's role is finally over thanks to Yamamoto, what's next for our heroes and what will be the White Wizard's next move now that he has the four wizards he needs? Aside from this revelation, a lot more questions are left hanging and hopefully, they can answer it in the next episode.