Thursday 5 September 2013

Live-Action Rurouni Kenshin 2014 Film Sequels: Kenshin's Sword & Bad Weather

Here are some new updates for the upcoming Rurouni Kenshin live-action sequels coming from Takeru Sato's staff blog. Seen above is a shot of Kenshin holding a new sword.

In the original source material, Kenshin's sakabatō (reverse-edge sword) was broken in half and seeks for a new sword. He later learned that the creator of his sakabatō died and his son is taking care of business. To cut long story short, he gains a new sakabatō, which happens to be the last sword created by the same man who created his first sakabatō.

According to the staff report, they have a hard time shooting this scene because of the bad weather and they need to wait for the weather to turn good to continue the film's shooting. Seen in the shot above is part of a temple. For fans who remember the original source material, he had his climatic battle with Cho Sawagejo (played by Ryosuke Miura in the movie) happened outside of the said temple.

The two upcoming Rurouni Kenshin films based on the Kyoto Arc entitled "Rurouni Kenshin: The Great Kyoto Fire Arc" and "Rurouni Kenshin: The End of a Legend Arc" are both slated to have summer 2014 release.

Special thanks to LOVE JOY PEACE for the translation of the staff blog entry.