Amazon Japan began listing the director's cut release of the debut arc of Kamen Rider Fourze Cosmic States due this October. The episode will be re-entitled “Kamen Rider Fourze CLIMAX EPISODE 31-32 Director's Cut.”
The director's cut release will feature the episodes “The Kingdom of Pleiades” and “The Super Cosmic Sword,” which centers around the Aries Zodiart arc, Ryuusei's change of heart, and the debut of Fourze Cosmic States. The episodes were directed by stunt director Koichi Sakamoto and Kamen Rider W's lead writer, Riku Sanjou.
As of writing, no additional details have been revealed, including the new scenes. Kamen Rider Fourze CLIMAX EPISODE 31-32 Director's Cut will be released on both DVD and Blu-Ray this October 21st.