Namco Bandai Games had announced that the latest flagship title for their “Tales” game franchise, “TALES OF XILLIA 2,” will be released on November 1st in Japan.
The announcement was made during their "Bandai Namco Live TV" event last Wednesday. The "RPG where choice spins the future" took place one year after the ending of the first game. It has also been confirmed that original characters from Tales of Xillia will reappear in Tales of Xillia 2.
Tales of Xillia 2 will be available for 8380 yen, which includes the Tales of Xillia 2 Before Episode novel and artbook by the scenario writer, the alternate downloadable Ludger costumes, and a custom PlayStation 3 theme. A PS3 Dual Shock Controller Bundle will also be available for 12,980 yen.
Buy Tales of Xillia 2 (PS3) at Play-Asia.com