Monday 6 August 2012

Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters Special DVD Promo Streamed

Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters Special DVD Promo Streamed
Here's the promo for the upcoming Go-Busters special DVD feature, “Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters vs BeetBuster vs J”. Beet J Stag goes berserk after drinking a Vagrass produced Enetron can.

No one could stop J, who thinks of himself as a king. What's worse, Enter manages to transform into BeetBuster! What will Masato and the Go-Busters do to stop them?!

Meanwhile, “that legendary warrior appears?!” with a silhouette of what it seems to be a Metal Hero, probably a Space Sheriff, was seen on the announcement page. Who could it be?

Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters special DVD will be released this October.