Wednesday 11 September 2013

Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger 26 – The Soldier of Hatred Arrives

Am I kawaii~?

The Soldier of Hatred, Endorf finally makes his official debut appearance and boy, he easily over-powered out heroes! To counter this, a new Beast Battery was created that resonates to Gabutyra's desire to help our heroes, the +1 Beast Battery but things get a bit problematic during the testing phase.

Endorf's debut is your standard new general debut, and boy, did he make such an impact. Aside that he easily defeated our heroes; his design makes him more intimidating. Who have ever thought of the idea of mixing melting candles on top of a candle stick and a demon? Because of this, he stands out from the rest of the Deboth generals who look like they came from some colorful children's book less Chaos. What made this guy more interesting is that he has the guts to attack his fellow general because well, he hates him. It's an interesting bit and hopefully, it will result to some interesting power struggle in the Deboth Legion.

After our heroes were badly beaten up, Yayoi reveals the new Beast Battery that might help them. Since this new Battery is based on Gabutyra, it is King's job to test it. The testing scene is quite interesting, instead of seeing that really cool power-up that the magazine has been teasing, instead we have KyoryuRed acting like a dinosaur! This is when things get a bit awkward, aside from the bad CGI mouth animation, it's kinda weird seeing KyoryuRed's movements looking a bit constricted since for most of the time, his movements feels like it is bursting with energy.

Before they can find a way to revert King back to normal, Endorf and Aigaron appears in front of heroes since they need to gather some hatred. What better way to gather hatred in this scenario is by pissing Ian off with what happened to his friend. Not surprisingly, the method work and we have once again, another duel between KyoryuBlack and Aigaron. Aside from reminding us about their rivalry, they added something interesting in this scene. In this scene, we learned that Aigaron has this dark side in him that he can unleash, making him unstoppable in battle. The episode didn't explain how he ended up having that kind of power, but if I will base it on his mannerisms, my guess is that it has something to do with Endorf and his hatred for KyoryuBlack.

It is also during this time that we saw Ian's leadership skills while King is being a dinosaur. This scene showed us that he can work under pressure and develop necessary tactics for them to fight and defend from their enemies using various Beast Battery and weapon combos. What's more is that like a true leader, he knows how to delegate his work to his teammates.

This scene made me realize one thing, who placed King in the leadership position in the first place?! Granted he is the one responsible for the team's formation and they implied it a couple of times that he is the team leader, but who placed him in that position since day one? I don't remember a scene in the show where his teammates said, "King is the leader and Ian is his second-in-command" kind of thing. Oh well, I guess if you have a teammate who is as loud and wild like King, I guess you don't have time to talk about how is leading the team.

Because King is not around, Ian is assigned as the temporary leader based on what happened earlier. At first he has doubts if he can lead the team, but thanks to Amy's encouragement, he starts leading the team like how a leader should lead it. Seeing Ian as the proper team leader is really amazing. He develops great tactics that will easily adapt to the current situation our heroes are in and that he placed complete trust on them during the times he can't tell his plans. Now that I am done talking why Ian is such a great leader and why the only King is good at is lifting the spirits of his teammates, it's time for the giant battle!

Unlike the previous giant battles, this is the first time they actually faced a Deboth general in this kind of situation. Aside from Yayoi sending them Plezu-Oh in battle, another thing that's interesting is how Ian used Plezu-Oh's arm swapping ability to their advantage. Even if that's the case, Endorf managed to block the supposed to be final blow move and much to my surprised, he used Zakutor's claws to create a scar in his body. This kind of move doesn't make sense at first but when you think about it, receiving a scar coming from your most hated enemy will remind you how much you hate them, making you more motivated to have your revenge. Nice move, Endorf, a very nice move indeed.

Since one scar is enough for the day, he reverts back to his normal size thanks to those shrinking snowballs and the quest for Gabutyra-Man continues now that they were able to detect his signal. But the bigger question is how can King revert back to normal considering that his teammates can't stop him earlier in the episode?