Friday 13 September 2013

Happy 10th Kaixa (913) Day!

Aside from Friday the 13th, today is also Kaixa Day! For fans of Kamen Rider 555, this is the day wherein we remember one of the most "loved" characters in the series, Masato Kusaka aka Kamen Rider Kaixa!

The reason why it is celebrated every September 13 is because of the transformation code of the Kaixa Phone, which is 913. For 10 years now, the actor playing Kusaka, Kohei Murakami writes a blog post commemorating this day, and this is this year's blog post.

Kaixa! Kaixa! Kaixa! Kaixa! Kaixa! Kaixa! Kaixa! Kaixa! Kaixa! Kaixa!

9/13 is Kaixa Day!

It's difficult to talk about it on normal days
Today is a good day to scream to your heart's content about your love for Kusaka Masato!!!

A ceremony for the unloved man!

The motto is
"Those humans who don't love me are in my way!!"

Dodonga Dondon! Kusa~~ka Masato!! Dodonga Dondon! Kusa~~ka Masato!! Woooooooooooooo~~~!!!

2013/9/13 Kaixa Festival & Carnival 10th anniversary!!!

It's been 10 years since the "9/13 is Kaixa Day!" post on Kamen Rider 555's official homepage in 2003!

These 10 years, unchanging, unfading, and without fail. As a day to remember the work that brought me fame, a day to remember the earnest and honest feelings of that era... I roar out!!!


Let me hear all your voices!

Everyone, do you looooooove Kusaka Masato~~~???

Come on!

Give me your 10th anniversary comments!

And today at Shinjuku Loft Plus One, I will be participating in 340 Presents SPECIAL "913 Festival 3! ~10th Anniversary!!~

To the thousands of stalwart 913 fans-
Understand! Tonight will be the night of legends! 913 Festival 3 will be legendary!

All of you! Yell it with spirit! We take off for the night of legends! Come on~!!

I'll put the results of the event in tomorrow's blog! Look forward to it!

Kusa~ka Masa~to Kai~xa~~~

Love! Love! Lovelovelovelove!!!

[Special thanks to 4chan's /m/ board for the blog post translation.]