Monday 13 May 2013

8 More Past Rangers to Appear in Power Rangers Super Megaforce

Fury Diamond of RangerCrew, a reliable source when it comes to Power Rangers news has just confirmed from one of his sources the names of the 9 past Rangers that will appear on Power Rangers Super Megaforce! One of those confirmed names is Jason Faunt.

The names of the past Rangers are:

  1. Jason David Frank - Tommy Oliver aka MMPR Green/MMPR White/Zeo Ranger V/Red Turbo Ranger I/Black Dino Ranger
  2. Danny Slavin - Leo Corbert aka Galaxy Red
  3. Melody Perkins - Karone aka Galaxy Pink II
  4. Reggie Rolle - Damon Henderson aka Galaxy Green
  5. Selwyn Ward - T.J. Jarvis Johnson aka Red Turbo Ranger II
  6. Sean Cw Johnson - Carter Grayson aka Red Lightspeed Ranger
  7. Hector David Jr - Mike aka Green Samurai Ranger
  8. Brittany Pirtle - Emily aka Yellow Samurai Ranger

We have previously reported that 10 past Rangers have signed contracts and already completed their fitting. Not part of the said 10 are Samurai Rangers. In addition, it is still unknown if they will add more cast members.