Friday 10 May 2013

3 Actors Hinted Power Rangers Super Megaforce Cameo Appearance

After a string of bad news about past Power Rangers actors not getting invitations to make a cameo appearance in Power Rangers Super Megaforce, it is time for some good news! This time, about the actors who are hinted to appear in Super Megaforce!

First is with actor Roger Velasco who played Carlos Vallerte aka Black Space Ranger. In Facebook, he posted the status, "Black is back! It’s where its @..." he later deleted this status.

Second is with actor Jason Faunt who played Wesley "Wes" Collins aka Red Time Force Ranger. In Twitter, he tweeted this status, "Gonna miss L.A. Next month, from Detroit to Vegas to New Zealand… allover the world.." As for his fellow Time Force actor, Erin Cahill who played Jennifer "Jen" Scotts aka Pink Time Force Ranger she also wanted to appear but she can't due to Union reasons.

Lastly, is with actor Samuel Benta who played William "Will" Aston aka Black Overdrive Ranger. Tweeted about an upcoming gig, a few Operation Overdrive members also got some invitation.

Source: RangerCrew