After the confirmation that Kamen Rider Wizard is indeed a hidden character in “All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation 2,” here a few video clip showing the sound effects of the WizarSwordGun and WizarDriver.
Kamen Rider Wizard can be unlocked with the use of the password: M4J5D3SX. Also included in the pool of hidden characters are Eternal, Punch Hopper, Kick Hopper, Ouja, Odin, and Shadow Moon!
Heard in the videos are “Flame” (the sound when Kamen Rider Wizard scans the Flame Ring), “Slash Strike”, “Shooting Strike”, and “Kick Strike” (the supposed finisher).
The game itself is a sequel on the first All Kamen Riders: Rider Generation game. Pre-ordering an early copy of the game will get you stickers that have codes allowing you unlock Riders instantly. All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation 2 will be released on August 2nd.
Buy All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation 2 (Nintendo DS) at Play-Asia.com
Buy All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation 2 (Sony PSP) at Play-Asia.com