Saturday 1 June 2013

Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger S2 06 – Too Cute to Die

Luna wants to have popular idol Choko Nakagawa as the 4th member of the team. Later in the episode, our heroes must face the cutest enemy they have ever faced! But here's the big problem, Nobuo can't hit her! Can our heroes defeat this creature even if Nobuo is having second thoughts to fight her?

Comparing it to the previous episode, this episode is kinda weak. Even if that is the case, the episode is entertaining at its own right. The mere fact that General Pain thought of removing the ugly form of cute Sentai monsters is something that official Sentai shows will dare to do. This is the reason why this episode is so entertaining, Nobuo can't hit something that is cute, shiny and that looks robotic because that is his fetish! This leads us to a lot of comedic scenes featuring Nobuo trying his best not to hit the MOTW or him protecting it!

So how did Choko-tan ended up in this scenario? Simple, she appeared in the Delusion World and after one awesome fight scene with the MOTW and by the looks of it, she is clearly winning, Nobuo ends up protecting the MOTW! Choko-tan became the thing she hates the most causing it to take effect in the real world, transforming the real Choko-tan into... one of those creepy foot soldiers. This is the worst reality bending side effect this show featured.

Because of what happened, our heroes must find a way to bring Choko-tan back and at the same time, find a way for Nobuo to hit the MOTW. This then lead us to the obligatory flashback sequence explaining how Nobuo developed this kind of fetish. One thing that I like about this flashback is comparing kid Nobuo to adult Nobuo. Aside from the change of age, visually, there is no significant difference between the two Nobuos. But in terms of facial expression when it comes to girls, adult Nobuo's face looks more of a pervert's while kid Nobuo's face looks like some innocent kid dazed in front of his crush.

For Nobuo to hit the MOTW, they decided to train him and what better way to train this guy is by having Hakase wear some skin tight outfit! For starters, I just love how she made her entrance, like it is highlighting her best features, and to be honest, I find this scene really, really hot. Seriously hot if you might add. But I guess the biggest problem of this training sequence is the fact that Hakase didn't wear something to cover her face to make her look like the MOTW. In short, Nobuo just easily hits Hakase with a bamboo sword without struggling whether to hit her or not. So yeah, Nobuo is hopeless when it comes to this one.

Even if that is the case, Hakase thought of a plan to beat the MOTW. The plan is something that I expect that they will do because it's basically stating the obvious that Nobuo's major weakness is just the face of the MOTW and not her body. I just love that they wrap her head with some bag only for the MOTW to burn it. Its pure comedy gold and I seriously like it. Now that this plan failed, it is time for plan B.

Plan B is simply having a veteran Sentai narrator narrate for Nobuo. To be honest, I don't see why this is a great plan. I mean I love narrators and even ranked some of them as the best characters in their respective TV shows, but I don't see what makes this plan so great. But thinking about it, this scene just showed us how geeky Nobuo is as a Sentai fan that he finds it really awesome that an official Sentai narrator is narrating his struggle for him. Much to my surprise, the plan worked! As for how it worked, it's all thanks to the narrator's narration.

The surprise twist in regards to the narrator's narration is something that I kinda caught me a bit off guard. I mean, I didn't expect that his narration will give Nobuo a clue on how they can defeat the MOTW for crying out loud. What's more is that Nobuo unlocked a new weapon called Munyu Moe Zubakyuun, the combined form of MMZ-01 and MMZ-02! Using its finisher, he defeated the MOTW with ease.

At the end of the episode, everything is now back to normal... and General Pain finally figured out what's going on. Everything that is happening in the Delusion World is affecting reality and he will alter reality to fulfill his dream. By the looks of what's coming up next, it seems that it has something to do with Hurricaneger. To be more specific, has something to do with the team's former rivals, the Gouraiger.