Monday 3 June 2013

Attack on Titan 07 – Depression and Rage

The soldiers continue to express depression as they realize how weak they are against the powerful Titans. Mikasa, who is desperately looking for Eren learned the truth from Armin that Eren is now dead. Ushering her strength, she leads the remaining soldiers in battle. But deep down inside, she is depressed with Eren's lost.

The series continues to show us that even trained soldiers get scared sometimes, that they are still humans even if they have weapons to fight Titans larger than them. The best part about the depression scenes is that it showed us how these giants can turn soldiers who are toughed up to become capable soldiers see them so scared that some of them committed suicide. Speaking of suicide, Mikasa starts to act a bit suicidal and just leads the remaining soldiers in battle without thinking of the possible result. She just rushes towards battle without caring for her supply of gas and the sharpness of her blades. She starts to act not like the calm and cool Mikasa that we are introduced in the series.

Mikasa's depression scene showed us how much she misses Eren and it also showed us the instinct of fighting back that Eren introduced back when they are still kids. Seeing Mikasa just sitting there and wait for the Titan to attack her, only for her to cut the Titan's figure showed us her survival instincts. This is when she starts asking herself, why is she trying to save herself if her desire is to die? Her realization that she needs to survive feels really authentic. You can feel her desire to live so that someone can remember that a man named Eren Jaeger lived and that he sacrificed his life to save a friend.

Aside from Mikasa's realization, there is one big surprise that this episode offered. This surprise is a Titan attacking a fellow Titan, and boy, that scene is absolutely brilliant. I just love the use of colors just for them to put emphasis that the Titan's punch caused the enemy Titan's face to bleed. What's more, the way on how they use the lights made the scene much more amazing.

The new Titan's fighting style is a bit feral when it comes to delivering final blows, but when it comes to actual combat, he knows proper combat poses. In addition to that, he knows the parts where he should hit when it comes in defeating a Titan. Wait just a second, if Eren is the show's main protagonist and he died, and this Titan's fights like a human, could this mean that Eren is related to that Titan in a certain way? Guess we should find out about it in later episodes then. Oh, and his second fight with another Titan is really, really brilliant.