Saturday 1 June 2013

4 Years & Still Blogging...

To be honest, I suck when it comes to dates and it took me some time to notice that today marks the 4th anniversary of Orends: Range! Checking the very first blog post I made, I can't believe that I evolve as a blogger. Granted, I still made a couple of errors along the way, but at least take some time to fix it. Anyway, so what did the blog achieved after 4 years?

Here's the list:

  • 9,740 fans on Facebook and counting
  • 643 Twitter followers and counting
  • 8,955,980 overall views and counting
  • 12,398 30 day average blog views
  • 2,336 30 day average new visitors

Aside from those numbers, I just can't believe that I can last this long and I assure you, expect more episode reviews, some old reviews getting some minor fixes based on my current review format and if I can do it, do more manga and anime reviews and more original content.

Cheers for another 4 years!