Tuesday 6 November 2012

Sword Art Online 13 – Edge of Hell's Abyss

Kirito goes fishing and ends up meeting Nishida, a head of a network security company in real life who oversees the network security of S.A.O. who is taking his time inside the game. Later in the episode, Kirito receives an urgent message from Heathcliff.

The episode gave us a different look on some of the players of the game who takes their time not clearing in the game and just focus on living in this game like they are living in the real world. Nishida is one of those folks who just focused on living inside the game. We also learn that just like every game, they have its own separate system in terms of fishing and learned that the even though Kirito tries to fish in a large lake, it turns out that it is a residence of a giant fish. Nishida offers Kirito to help him catch the fish and on the next day, Nishida’s attempt to catch a fish ends up becoming one large event.

The fishing scene is really fun to watch since it's just a couple of guys trying to catch a fish by applying the game's tag team switch techniques... and it worked since they were able to reel in the giant fish! As it turns out, the giant fish is not just any giant fish, but a fish with legs and can breathe on land. Kinda like those fish during the time of the dinosaurs. As expected, they ran away less Kirito and Asuna fights the fish and defeat it.

After this fiasco, Heathcliff sends a direct message to Kirito to return to Grandzam for something urgent. The couple has no choice but to end their two week vacation. Nishida decided to come with them to the transport area and learned more about what is running on Asuna's mind. To summarize what is running on Asuna's mind and why she keeps on playing the game is because of Kirito since he showed her how he lives normally in the game like he is in the real world. To put it simply, Kirito is the reason why Asuna continues on living.

In Grandzam, they are briefed that the boss room for Floor 75 has an anti-crystal system and the party that was sent to check the boss room died. Because of this, Heathcliff planned that they need a large a group to fight the boss. Before they face the boss, aside from more mushy moments between the couple, the episode answered one question that's been bothering me for weeks now, what happened to their bodies in the real world? I theorized that their bodies are now on IV as of the moment but Asuna concluded much further than that, they are now in hospital beds with some of them might be under life support. It makes sense if you think about it since players during the first few weeks of the game were unconscious for a few hours before they become conscious again.

The players who will face the boss are now assembled and now enter the gate leading to the boss room. The boss for the floor called "The Skull Reaper" is one tough boss to beat and based on its power, the current party assembled to fight it is not enough to defeat this creature. One thing that I liked about the fight with the Skull Reaper are Asuna and Kirito's combo moves and that's about it since it's the only thing cool to note about in this episode along with Klein and Egil doing something cool in this episode. The episode ends with a cliffhanger that makes you wish that the next episode comes sooner.