Monday 19 November 2012

Kyoryuu Sentai Zyuranger 43 – A Dragon's Tears

After Burai's death, the Dragon Caesar is depressed but he continues fighting for the sake of Burai's last will to protect the world and its children. In the case of this episode, the Dragon Caesar fights DoraAntaeus with the help of the other Guardian Beasts. After the fight, Caesar becomes depressed again since each Guardian Beast is praised by their respective partners. Can Dragon Caesar overcome his sadness?

This episode is all about Dragon Caesar and how can he overcome his depression caused by Burai's death. Unlike the previous character focus episodes we had in the series, this is the first time that they had an episode focused on a Guardian Beast and in this case, we have the Dragon Caesar. Seeing Caesar seeing images of his partner is really touching, Burai really left a big hole to Caesar.

Geki tries to comfort the Dragon Caesar by telling him to forget Burai and to continue on living. Geki's straight forward way of telling it to Caesar is one big mistake and made him sound like a jerk. Of course he will have a hard time to forget his old partner and move on to the present! He's been supporting Burai from the time he was first summoned till the time he made a request to pilot him for one last time. Because of the said depression, Bandora takes it to his advantage by binding Dragon Caesar in a magic bind. Why Bandora need to bind Caesar? Turns out that the DoraAntaeus is still alive and stronger thanks to their attacks earlier in this episode!

DoraAntaeus' ability is really amazing; he gains additional armor every time he gets hit by any attack. In addition, once you destroyed it, it can regenerate and is stronger compared to the first time they had an encounter with this creature. Unfortunately, they were able to defeat the DoraAntaeus before Dragon Caesar arrives, which means that it can still regenerate after a few minutes. With the Dragon Caesar, they can use the Ultimate DaiZyuJin so that they can do an overkill of the Dora Monster.

After it DoraAntaeus regenerated for the 3rd time, Geki decides to enter the beast to destroy the heart so that the Dora Monster can't regenerate. To add up the difficultly, the heart is a sentient being and can fight any intruder that comes inside the DoraAntaeus. What made it really interesting is how it fights, it has battle tentacles since it restrained Geki, he now has a hard time fighting back and the only thing he can do is to play the Zyusouken and do something that he should do earlier in a proper manner.

Instead of being a jerk to tell Caesar to forget about Burai and move, he just tell Caesar that even though Burai is gone, he still lives inside his heart along with his will to protect the planet. For the second time, we saw Geki transformed into the Armed Tyranno Ranger, which turned his silver Dino Buckler into gold and got equipped with the Dragon Ranger armor and the Dragon Ranger's arm bands. Because of their equal determination, Geki escaped from the heart's clutches and throw it outside the DoraAntaeus' body. As for the Dragon Caesar, it escaped the magic binds casted by Bandora!

Outside the DoraAntaeus, Geki fights the heart and finally defeated it because of his double wielding of the Zyusouken and Ryugekiken. Now that the heart is destroyed, the DoraAntaeus can't regenerate and finish it off with the Ultimate DaiZyuJin! The episode ends with Dragon Caesar finally accepting Burai's death and move on with his life and to continue his partner's last will to protect the world and its children.