Sunday 18 November 2012

Kyoryuu Sentai Zyuranger 42 – The Death of Burai

Burai only has one hour left to live and once the clock strikes 2pm, it will mark his death. To make things worse, Kouta is struggling to live, Dan and Goushi are fighting the guardian that is protecting the urn and lastly, the remaining Zyurangers are fighting Grifforzer and the DoraMimic.

We all expect that this will happen; we all expect that Burai will die any time soon but we don't want to see this moment to happen. All of us hope that someday, the Zyurangers will find a way to reverse this situation so that Burai will live for more another year or two, but nope, even the gods can't overturn his fate. It is because of his irreversible fate that we are now in this situation. So let's talk about the episode in detail.

Kouta is now in the hospital and his mother thinks that it is because of Burai's irresponsibility that Kouta is in that situation... even though his fate to die has been set from the very beginning. One thing that I like about the scene is Kouta, even if he has the hard time to catch his breath, he tries his best to tell her mother that Burai didn't do anything wrong since he tried to protect Kouta with all his power. To help Kouta recover, Burai entrusted the boy with his medal and to those who have forgotten about it, it grants the one who own the medal the ability to slowly regenerate, which is why the Zyurangers lasted this long without any grave injuries.

This is then followed with a scene between the two brothers were Burai finally told his brother that he only has an hour left to live and Burai wanted to do something good before he dies. It's really one emotional scene and to think about it, this is just the first of the many emotional scenes that this episode had. Meanwhile, Goushi and Dan finally found the statue that is guarding the urn and as expected, the statue is the guardian of the urn and fights Goushi and Dan! Seeing the two having a hard time fighting the guardian is really expected since the two don't have any weapons to fight the guardian, only their fists.

Back to the rest of the Zyurangers, Dragon Caesar is still busy fighting the fake DaiZyuJin and what made it impressive is that Caesar is fighting for hours and by hours, while Burai is having a conversation with his brother and Goushi and Dan are busy fighting the guardian! Here comes the fun part in this episode, Burai finally entering the cockpit of the Dragon Caesar. If there is one thing that I am disappointed with Zyuranger is that Burai doesn't go inside Dragon Caesar's cockpit, which looks like the standard size Zyuranger cockpit except it has a different logo on the back.

The fight between DoraMimic and Burai inside the Dragon Caesar is really intense that it got me some Goosebumps while watching it and to begin with, I rarely have Goosebumps while watching giant battles! Burai is putting everything in line to fight the DoraMimic who keeps on shifting forms after each form is defeated. By shifting forms, I mean, after DaiZyuJin is defeated, he transforms into the GouRyuJin and later, the Tyrannozaurus. To make things worse for Burai, he only has few minutes left, which led us to one scene that showed us that sometimes, Geki can be frustrated to some jerkass robot god named DaiZyuJin.

For once, he cried a scream of frustration, is DaiZyuJin just testing them when he took their medals or he is just a big jerk since the only one who took the quest are Dan and Goushi, unarmed. This same goes for Burai; he cried a scream of his resolve that he will do everything just to protect this planet and its children. Their screams reached DaiZyuJin and granted them the ability to transform. This is one of the rare instances in the series that DaiZyuJin is really implied that he is just testing the Zyurangers since for most of the time; he is not telling the Zyurangers if he is just testing them or he is just being a jerkass.

Now that the Zyurangers can transform, Burai suggested to use the Ultimate DaiZyuJin to defeat DoraMimic and it did, I mean, that form is overkill! After they defeated the DoraMimic, Burai suddenly disappears. His time in this world has come to an end. Back to Dan and Goushi, they learned that the guardian of the urn is just one of Clotho forms and she reveals that they can't reverse Burai's fate since he died once during the Ice Age and he was revived for the purpose of reviving the Ultimate DaiZyuJin. The first thing that came to my mind when she said it is that they can extend Burai's life for a bit, just for a year or until Bandora is defeated. This is when Clotho revealed that they can't reverse Burai's fate and this is coming from the spirit who is in-charge with a person's life!

Like I said earlier, we all expect this to happen but I am not prepared about Burai's departure. For starters, he is one of those heroes who redeemed himself after learning his previous mistakes and I love heroes who tried to redeem their previous mistakes by making numerous good deeds, which he did. I mean, at least reward the guy a one day extension cause he deserve it... or just a spot in the opening sequence and the group shots! But this has to happen, it is part of his fate and we should accept it.

Geki finally finds his brother in a shore, trying to catch his breath. Even though Geki tried to make his brother feel better by telling him that Dan and Goushi will return with the water of life, Burai decided to give his last will, to give the water to Kouta and he entrusted his brother two things. First is his armor and second is the Zyusouken. The final moments between the two brothers is really well done, we see that this is Burai's last will and testament and no divine intervention can stop Burai's death.

Even though I didn't shed a single tear while watching it, I can feel the emotion that the actors are trying to convey, you can feel the sadness of Burai's departure. Geki's tears feel authentic, like he is aware that Burai will die anytime soon but he can't stop shedding his tears since he is his brother, his only family. Burai's flame of life finally dies and his body disappears. To be honest, I was expecting that they will have a scene where Geki burns or place a grave in memory of Burai but what we have is something better.

Kouta is finally safe since Burai saw an empty bench and the boy also felt Burai's death since his medal suddenly disappears. Geki plays his brother's Zyusouken as a final tribute to his departed brother. The tune that is being played is something that I remember not hearing in the toy version; the tune is made specifically for this scene. As for the Dragon Caesar, now that his master is gone, he gives this scream of sadness, a way to give tribute to his master, wrapping the episode. Thank you, Dragon Ranger Burai for the memories, even though you didn't appear in the opening sequence, ending sequence or any of the title cards, you will always be remembered as the older brother who did everything even if it will cost an hour of his remaining life.