Tuesday 6 November 2012

Kyoryuu Sentai Zyuranger 34 – Burai's Day Out

Burai only has 13 hours left and since he has nothing to do inside the Timeless Room, Burai decides to roam around just a for a bit. This is when he meets Rie and her baby sister. As it turns out Bandora plans to use these two so that Burai can stay in the surface for a long time! Can Burai save these two before her life burns out?

This episode answered my question about what Burai is doing inside that Timeless Room since the only thing Burai can see in that room are white candles and his own green candle. I mean, for episodes after the said room was introduced, I am bothered how Burai can last inside that room for days without getting bored. As it turns out, he also gets bored and decides to get out for just a few minutes only to end up getting into trouble thanks to Bandora.

Burai's chase of the baby is really fun to watch in a sense that we see Burai's skill as a warrior in a different way. As it turns out, Bandora exchanged the baby with a Golem, something that Burai didn't expect. If there is one thing that surprised me in this scene is how fast Bandora did the switch between the baby and the Golem. While Burai is busy fighting the Golems, the older sister, Rie is searching for a baby and saw an old lady who spinning thread from a wheel. Wait a minute, an old lady with a spinning wheel? This is obviously a reference to the fairy tale called "Sleeping Beauty" and in the tale; the princess pricked her finger in the spinning wheel causing her to sleep for 100 years!

What surprised me in this scene is how Rie acted, it's either she is gullible that a strange woman knows where is her baby sister or that she is unaware of the tale of Sleeping Beauty even if she looks like someone who might be familiar with it. As expected, the girl pricked her finger causing her to fall a 100 year sleep. This is when we know Bandora's plot in this episode; she wants to make Burai stay a bit longer in the surface to save these two girls. I am not surprised that his teammates don't want him to accept Bandora's challenge since he only has 13 hours to live and staying longer might affect the team in the long run.

Unlike his teammates, Burai feels a bit guilty that he is responsible for the kidnapping of the sisters that he can't stay a bit longer inside the Timeless Room like his teammates advised him to do. This is one quality I liked about Burai, he doesn't care if the candle that shows how long he lives keeps on ticking, just as long as he can save the ones that really needs his help, especially if he feels he is responsible for putting them in that situation.

Burai heads to the Castle of Thorns to save Rie and just like Sleeping Beauty, he kissed Rie and since this is a kid's show, he kissed the girl's cheeks, waking her up. This is when the fun begins in this episode, as expected, it's a trap and the two are now stuck inside an underground cave. Burai and Rie's adventure inside the cave is fun to watch, especially how they try to evade the spinning wheel that is attacking them. But what I didn't expect is the scene where Rie is hanging on a cliff with a river of boiling hot lava waiting her below.

One thing I liked about this scene is Burai's determination that even if some strong force is giving him hard times not to save the girl from the cliff, he continues to try his best to save Rie in which at the end, and he did. While he is busy trying to find a way to escape the cave and later end up saving the girl from a river of boiling lava, Geki and the rest are busy fighting Grifforzer and Lami.

For starters, one thing that surprised me in their fight is that we didn't have a Dora Monster for the other Zyurangers to face. To be honest, I am okay with it since cluttering some Dora Monster in an episode that is focused on Burai's remaining life and how can he save two girls might ruin the drama and the tension it had and it will cause us to focus on two distinctively different situations in one episode. Another thing that I liked about it is that instead of having a separate Dora Monster for the giant battle, she decided to just enlarge Grifforzer and Lami! This reminds me, we haven't seen these two in battle for a couple of episodes now.

The giant battle in this episode is kinda fun since for starters, Bandora planned to place the Tyrannozaurus inside a net so that it can't combine with the DaiZyuJin! This lead us to one thing I missed in this series, the individual use of each Guardian Beast and because of this, they were able to help Burai escape from the cave. Thanks to a small hole in the cave, he sends a signal to the Zyurangers outside causing Geki to ask Mei to free Burai out of the gave her Guardian Beast!

Now that Burai is out, it is time for him to help his brother but not for long since Bandora finally released the baby! To make matters worse, the spinning wheel is attacking the baby's crib, adding the difficulty of the situation. If there is one thing that surprised me in this scene is the fact that they went with the Ultimate DaiZyuJin to destroy the spinning wheel! Granted it has a lot of cannons that might hit the fast moving spinning wheel but it might accidentally hit the baby! They can just go with GouRyuJin or continue with the use of individual mecha but nope, they went with this rather weird approach.

Even if that is the case, the plan worked and Burai did save the baby thanks to his athleticism. The episode ends with Burai telling us that he will dedicated the remaining hours of his life to fight with his brother, for the Earth and its children. One thing that bothered me is how the narrator ended that Geki is still troubled about his brother's situation and that the time of sorrow is almost near. The last part of his narration in this episode makes a lot sense since Burai only has 5 hours left in his life.