Monday 12 November 2012

KYORYUGER RUMORS: Time Traveling & Rival

More rumors about Juuden Sentai Kyoryuger has surfaced online and this time, it is about the team being time travelers!

Take these rumors with a lot of grain of salt.

The Kiryuu Daito is the lead hero of the show and along with two others, they are collectively known as Dino Guardians. Their mission is to protect all dinosaurs from all time periods.

The word Kyoryuger is formed from the kanji "kyou (今日)" which means today and "ryuu (龍)" which means dragon combining to form kyoryu or dinosaur.

Their enemy is the Space-Time Poaching Guild Juugaraku and this group appears in different time periods, kidnapping dinosaurs and forces them onto the highest bidders (Universal Millionaires).

In addition, the Kyoryuger will have a rival called Asutorager, whose name is derived from the kanji "asu (明日)" which means tomorrow and "tora (虎)" which means tiger.

Source: dukemon22 of HJU (link 2)