Wednesday 7 November 2012

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 04 – Ripple Training

JoJo is badly injured and it’s all thanks to Erina's careful tending of his wounds that made JoJo a bit better. After he was cleared in the hospital, he meets a strange man named Will A. Zeppeli, who claims that he is also searching the Stone Mask. Is he an ally or an enemy?

Speedwagon showed how loyal he is to JoJo, even after the incident regarding Dio; he didn't leave JoJo's side and wants to find a way to make him feel better. Erina's reintroduction in this episode is perfectly timed with JoJo having grave burn injuries and seeing her dedication to tend to her wounds is something really admirable, something an average nurse can't do. To be honest, Erina is more like JoJo's wife and not JoJo's nurse that is why it is understandable for Speedwagon to leave; he doesn't want to disturb the two love birds.

Somewhere in London, Dio begins gathering minions and as expected, he decided to turn Jack the Ripper as his servant by using the classic vampire mind control skill. One thing I noticed with Dio is his appearance, his burn injuries are still healing and that his aid that looks like the Chinaman who discovered the badly burned Dio is taking care of him.

Back to JoJo, he meets a strange man named Will A. Zeppeli who just attacked him out of nowhere and to be more specific, he attacked JoJo's injured arm! At first, I find it a bit alarming especially when he calmly eats his sandwich after he attacked JoJo! But because of what he did, is that JoJo's arm is healing in a different manner and after the process, his arm is completely healed that he can carry a heavy rock in a single hand! Because of what Zeppeli did, he demonstrated some more of his skill after he got JoJo intrigued.

One thing I noticed with Zeppeli is that he is a bit eccentric in the outside, especially when he decided to punch a frog that is on top of stone! I am not sure what is running on his mind during that time when he did it but it becomes a bit clear when we saw the frog completely unharmed and the stone is cleanly cut into half. But before we saw Zeppeli break a rock, the first thing I notice aside from the Dragon Ball Z-esque aura glow are the ripples that are forming in his feet that JoJo noted when he is charging his energy to break the rock.

The man revealed that the thing he did is called Ripple and he knows a kind of martial arts that can incorporates the Ripple that can counter the vampires such as Dio who is still alive. Instead of getting angry or throwing a fit, the first thing he did is to not get Erina involved with the mess he is in right now, something that I admire about JoJo since he doesn't want the girl that he likes to be worried sick since the path he chose is an unsure one. JoJo decides to take Zeppeli's training and the first thing Zeppeli notice is JoJo's potential since he noticed that the Ripple that is coming from his arm influenced the growth of some flowers in a branch.

Back to Dio, we learned that his plan is to gather the vilest of humans to be his minions then conquer the world. So yeah, he is the traditional world domination type of villains and just like some of them, he is quite charismatic as a villain. Back to JoJo, his Ripple training begins and we learn about Zeppeli's past. To sum up his past, he is one of those guys who discovered the Stone Mask and one of the first few people who saw its power and how it affected humans. To make matters worse for Zeppeli, his father is the one who wore the mask, making his life a bit tragic.

One thing that I admire about Zeppeli is that instead of running away and hide his tale of survival, he decided to find a way to counter the power of the Stone Mask and because of his journey around the world, he ended up learning the secrets of the Ripple and its power is something that can be compared to the sun. JoJo's training with Zeppeli is a bit harsh, especially when they decided to continue this training in Wind Knights Lot, a place where Dio was sighted by someone.

But before talking about JoJo's harsh training in Wind Knights Lot, we saw more of Zeppeli's skill as a Ripple master. What made it more impressive is that he never spilled any of the wine he is holding and if he has the opportunity to drink it, he will drink it! What's more, he is fighting Jack the Ripper who is now under Dio's control and by the looks of it; he is a vampire who decided to use his regeneration abilities to insert blades in his body as part of his offense. What made it disturbing is that he likes to slash a lot of his enemies in the most macabre and gory way. It's so gory that it creep me out for a sec.

While Zeppeli is fighting Jack the Ripper, he didn't waste his time to continue on lecturing JoJo about fear and how it is related on breathing, the principal aspect of the Ripple. One thing that I admire about Zeppeli is that he wants JoJo to finish Jack just for him to apply what he learned from him. To add up the challenge, he dared JoJo to not spill a single drop of wine from the glass that Zeppeli gave him and told him how the Vikings are made.

JoJo's test is quite fun to watch, aside that he should rely more on his instincts since he became Jack's moving target thanks to the torch he is carrying, he needs to better understand the message Zeppeli is trying to teach him. After realizing that the wine is related to the Ripples, he used it in his advantage to finally defeat Jack the Ripper and yes, he didn't spill a single drop of wine. The wine has given birth to a new Viking and he is ready to face Dio and the challenges that he will face along the way.