Wednesday 14 November 2012

Bakuman S2 04 – PCP Anime & Rabuta and Peace

PCP's first story arc is successful and the series is safe. Because of its popularity, it will have a drama CD with Azuki voicing Mai in the drama CD. Later in the episode, the two learned that the series will also have a novel adaptation! With that in mind, it seems that their dream for the series to have an anime is getting closer... or so we thought.

The episode is really fantastic, aside that we saw our heroes becoming successful with their work thanks to the drama CD and the novel adaptation, it seems that the dream of having an anime adaptation for their series is now within their reach. Seeing these two happy is one of the reasons why I like this episode, they are getting closer to their dream and that Azuki is voicing Mai in the drama CD, giving her better chances to bag the lead role once the manga series will have an anime adaptation.

Because of the said popularity, kids are imitating the characters in PCP as seen in this episode. If there is one thing that suddenly came up while watching this scene that would be kids imitating perfect crimes is something bad. What if these kids grew up becoming master criminals or something? That is why I am not surprised that Jack's chief editor didn't approve of the proposed anime adaptations of two anime studios due to those risks. I can understand his decision since for starters, the manga series received a lot of complains coming from concerned parents and second, turning this series into an anime will cause the spread of the show's perfect crimes that kids will imitate.

To make things a bit worse for the two, I just love that Hattori have to point out that Takagi is the thinker of the duo and him not thinking of the possibility of the series to have an anime adaptation is one big mistake on his part. Another thing that I like is how they point out PCP's selling points that turning the series into something different will disappoint a lot of readers since one of the selling points of the series is its realism and them being pranksters. Takagi suggesting to make a series with having an anime adaptation in mind is quite a logical way of thinking but the question is can they do two manga titles at the same time?

Much to my surprise, Shiratori gets a lot of focus in this episode as we learn that he is a rich kid, has a pet dog and that Mashiro suggested that he should try making his own storyboard. What made Shiratori important in this episode is that his presence gave us an idea that Takagi has a lot of time to spare since aside from checking Shiratori's storyboard, he also did the perfect crime for the drama CD and that he checked PCP's novel adaptation. With those in mind, it is likely for the two to think of a manga series with an anime adaptation in mind.

Back to Shiratori, he and Moriyama had their storyboards checked by Hattori and Shiratori's storyboard is really interesting. The idea of Rabuta and Peace is really good, it is about a boy who can't trust humans and the only one he trusts is Peace, a dog that can sniff out lies and truth and can force someone to tell the truth. It's really great but the problem is that the final storyboard that was submitted to Hattori went through a lot of revisions thanks to Takagi checking it three times. At the end, Hattori suggested to have Takagi write for Rabuta and Peace but Takagi needs Mashiro's approval. It makes sense that he needs Mashiro's approval since he is his partner but the question is will Mashiro allow Takagi to write for Rabuta and Peace?