Saturday 2 March 2013

Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger 02 – Enter, the Dancing Kyoryuzin!

Also, the debut of this guy.

Nobuharu is having problems hiding his secret superhero life because of how his younger sister reacted when he saved his niece as KyoryuBlue. Amy is also having problems with her butler as she is a rough and tumble gal but because of her butler, she must hide it. Oh, this episode marks the debut of the Kyoryuzin.

But before talking about the main content in this episode, we saw bits of the lives of Blue and Pink. In Blue's case, he is living with his younger sister and niece, and by the looks of it, he is the sort of guy who can be a loving husband and a father. But because his younger sister is a widow and needs to support her only daughter, guess it is understandable why he is still a bachelor. But unlike most bachelors, he is a superhero and he already made a rather bad impression in front of his sister, Yuko when he tried to save her niece once.

It's kinda funny that Nobuharu's sister once played a Super Sentai hero as Dekaranger's Marika "Jasmine" Reimon aka DekaYellow, and she is the one who thinks of the Kyoryugers as a bunch of freaks that she can lump on with the Deboss Legion. As for Pink's case, she is basically a tough girl but because of society and her butler, she must act like a refined woman. To be honest, I like to see how they will expand this plot, considering that Amy's parents are living in America. It will be interesting if we see her parents in one story arc and ask her to stop this superhero business once they learned about it.

As for the Deboss, we learned how they make monsters. The monster making method is basically Master Deboss picking which emotion he feels right now, and the monster based on that emotion will be created. The monster making method is kinda interesting and it will be interesting if we will have a monster based on joy. I mean, the ones under joy don't look that threatening to be honest. Heck, their character designs felt like they are not the bad guys!

Back to our heroes, they attended some Dinosaur Exhibit were we see Daigo created a dinosaur head with his own bare hands! Yep, this show is right about ridiculously strong heroes. But this fun with dinosaurs is interrupted thanks to a Debo Monster attack and some giant monsters attacking the city. Based on the giant monster suits, it seems that Toei only created two giant monster suits for this series. This is when I notice something on the humans who are affected by the monster attack, they emit some aura. As it turns out, this aura will fill up some bar back in the enemy base. I wonder what this is for but considering what's happening, it has something to do with the revival of Master Deboss.

Daigo transforms into KyoryuRed and much to my disappointment, the show is back with the use of stock footage transformation sequence. Look, I have no problems with it but the thing is I expected that Kyoryuger will follow what Go-Busters did last year with the real time transformation sequences, but nope, guess we are back with stock footage transformation sequences. The stock footage transformation sequence looks cool and the chomping dinosaur effect looks really great.

Because he about the defeat the MOTW attacking the public, Aigaron aka the Soldier of Sorrow appears to save his subordinate. The fight between KyoryuRed and Aigaron looks really great, and here I was expecting that he will not pull a great fight! Thankfully, Green and Black arrived just in time and activated Armed On. This is basically adding a new armor on their right arm. The idea for this one is really great, it's like they basically explained where the heck they got their new weapons while adding something cool to our heroes.

Green's Armed On weapon is the Zakutor Slasher, which is basically a fancy looking claw while Black's Armed On weapon is the Parasa Shot, which is basically a fancy looking gun. Because of what he saw, Red decides to activate his Armed On, the Gabutyra Fang, which is basically a mouth weapon similar to GaoRed's claw weapon. Since this is a fancy looking weapon, it can also do a fancy looking finisher, only for the MOTW to evade it. After this, he destroyed the dinosaur statue that Daigo and the kids made for some odd reason that he hated dinosaurs. Oh well, at least it made the Nobuharu's niece sad.

As for the giant monsters, it was handled by Pink and what I can say; she is indeed one rowdy chick! I mean, she basically rode on top of a robot Triceratops' head for crying out loud! What made it cooler is that after landing from it, Dricera destroyed the two monsters in one single attack! This scene proved us that she indeed defeated her own Voltasaur partner back in America.

Daigo arrives in the base to charge his Beast Batteries when Pink and Blue arrived. Pink reverts back to Amy and learned her problem. What's interesting about it is that Daigo just tells her that hiding her secret identity to the ones she cared the most might cause some problems in the future. What made it interesting is that it is something that most superheroes do. Most of the time, they want to hide their identities so that the ones they love will not be a victim of the bad guys. Thus, Nobuharu protested because he thinks that his family is his own weakness, something that most traditional superheroes think.

This made me realize something that during this time, Nobuharu basically represents the traditional superhero who wants as much as possible, not to get his relatives be involved with the superhero business. Daigo here represents the new age of thinking of most superheroes, reveal in public that s/he is a superhero and will not care what will happen next since, hey, I can beat the bad guys! This made me wish that they will expand this part, what if Daigo's father returns after his disappearance and learned that his son is a superhero from someone. What will be his reaction?

The next day, Daigo and the kids are rebuilding the dinosaur statue and learned that Daigo, Amy and Torin visited Stegochi to learn from him that Nobuharu indeed saved her niece. This made me wonder something, how can Daigo understand dinosaurs? Is it similar to how Gaoranger's Kakeru Shishi aka GaoRed understands the Gao Animals? What's more, Nobuharu's niece likes the blue hero that saved her one time! Guess this means that Nobuharu will finally discover that it is okay to reveal his secret identity to his family then.

The MOTW returns with his army of foot soldiers and attacks the civilians. Instead of running away with her butler, Amy fights the foot soldiers. Much to my disappointment, they only featured Amy's back when she is fighting the foot soldiers. I know, it's her stunt double who is doing most of the work but here's the thing, we see her do some stretches and some kicks earlier in the episode, why can't they focus her fights with her face facing the camera? Guess I should look in the bright side; it is not taken in a distance like the stunt double fights in Zyuranger.

Now that Amy's butler is aware that Amy can actually fight, it is time for Nobuharu to show off his skills in front of her niece... by carrying the dinosaur statue and hit it on the MOTW! Good job Nobuharu, you destroyed a statue that the kids spend some time making. Even if that is the case, it is fine with the niece and this made Nobuharu realize that his family is not his weakness, but his strength. Guess this will lead us to a lot of great episodes related to Nobuharu's family since they weren't able to resolve the plot in regards to his sister hating KyoryuBlue.

The team is finally assembled and it is time for the first team transformation sequence... which is again, stock footage. To be honest, I am not use seeing Red, Blue and Pink in a three-man cell. Guess I will get used to it over time. But this is not what's interesting about the team transformation; it's the ones who witnessed it, Nobuharu's niece and Amy's butler. In the niece's case, she is finds it cool, as for the butler, I guess my anticipation of an episode featuring Amy's parents might happen after all, that is if he calls them.

The fights in this scene are well done, and we finally saw the Armed On modes of Blue and Pink. Blue's Stego Shield is basically a spiky shield while Pink's Dricera Lance is basically a handy drill. Since this episode featured a lot of Blue, this episode featured a special finisher featuring Red's Gabutyra and Blue's Stegochi Beast Batteries inside the Gaburevolver. The new finisher looks really cool and that's about it.

Because the MOTW is defeated by our heroes and this is Super Sentai, it is time to introduce the ones who will enlarge the monster, the team of Candelira and Lakkiero aka the team of joyful monsters! Wait just a darn minute, these two colorful villains are the ones who will enlarge the monsters?! What's more, the growing agent is something that inside a colorful water sprinkler?! I mean seriously?! The only thing that justifies the fact why these two are in charge in growing the monsters is that these two are originally created by the cells of the massive Master Deboss. Well at least they explained it.

Red calls forth Gabutyra then throws his Beast Battery and much to my surprise, it landed directly to Gabutyra's volcano lair! Once again, aside from our heroes being ridiculously strong, they have good aim. After a quick scuffle with the MOTW, it is time for Blue and Pink to call forth their respective Voltasaur partners to create the Kyoryuzin as ordered by Torin! Just like Red, these two have really good aim as their Beast Batteries land exactly on the mouths of their respective Voltasaurs who are sleeping in the Artic and in the Grand Canyon.

Kyoryuzin's formation sequence is beautiful, simply beautiful. The use of manual special effects and the music made it really memorable. I just love the attention they put on the details of the said formation sequence. Did I mention that it dances after it is formed? The Kyoryuzin cockpit looks really simple and the way they pilot it after they dock the guns is similar to how the Gekirangers pilot the GekiTouja. The giant fight scene by the way, looks really impressive, the great use of CGI made the robot look versatile in battle.

The robot's finisher is... cool I guess, it didn't leave much impact in me aside that the way they execute it is too fancy and that the finisher has too much CGI in it. At the end, they defeated the MOTW and the next day, instead of fixing the dinosaur statue, Daigo just asked Gabutyra to stand still! What's funny about it is that after hearing a lot of good things about Daigo, Yuko wondered what Daigo’s job is! Umm, the guy had the dinosaur that saved the city yesterday stand still for the kids? But that's not what's important in this scene; this scene showed us that Nobuharu's family is quite tight. And thus, Green is jealous about it.