Monday 7 October 2013

Kamen Rider Wizard 51 – The Last Hope

It's finally over.

This is the end folks. Now that the Philosopher's Stone is now under Gremlin's possession, Haruto wants to retrieve it for Koyomi's sake. While he is busy pondering about Koyomi's death, Gremlin, now evolved, is destroying everything that he sees. Can the other wizards stop this menace?

Having a guy who wants to be a real boy all of a sudden as the final boss is probably, one of the most disappointing ways to end a TV show. Granted, I loved how Go-Busters ended, but least it has some build up on why Enter was fascinated on humans and why he later want to become one. As for Gremlin, though the reason why he wants to become human makes sense, it feels like this motivation was just brought up at the near end of the series and not around the time we learn that he still retained Sora's human traits.

His reason on why he wants to become human makes sense. He's a victim of Fueki's schemes of wanting to revive his dead daughter. He just wants to return what is lost from him, his humanity and he doesn't care if he kills people just to achieve it. As for Haruto, he is busy pondering about Koyomi's death and about her last wish. While he is busy with it, the support cast of the show is doing their best to fight the Ghouls attacking the city. I just love that Kousuke is still fighting even without his wizard powers. As for Rinko and Shunpei, it feels like that the fighting skills they displayed in Movie Wars Ultimatum returned all of a sudden.

As for the Mages, after seeing what's happening around them, they finally find the answer to the problems they are facing related to their powers. The realization about it is really well done. Yamamoto is about protecting his family, Yuzuru is about doing what he think is right and my personal favorite, Mayu using the powers that she acquired because of someone's desires to good. Mayu's realization is the Kamen Rider franchise in a nutshell, a hero who received powers coming from the bad guys and used it for good. This made me realize something; Mayu is barely used in the series outside her fights with Medusa.

Seeing three Mages transform together is one great scene and their fight against the Ghouls showed us what they are capable off. This made me realize one thing, it feels like the Mages in the show are really, really underused. If the series properly distributed these Mages and give each a unique costume like what Haruto had, I think I will care more about these Mages outside of their purpose to revive someone's dead daughter.

After they are done fighting the Ghouls, it's time to face Gremlin. As expected, the Mages are trashed by the guy, same goes with Kousuke who also tried to fight Gremlin. With all hope lost, Haruto arrives just in time to fight Gremlin. The fight between the two is quite underwhelming. The only thing worth noting about the fight is their talk while they are fighting. Gremlin here is complaining on why he is just the victim and how he is similar to Haruto. Haruto's reply about moving on and just accept their new powers is the best reply about Gremlin's complaining on why he is the victim.

As for how the fight ended, though quite cheesy, I just love that Dragon cooperated with Haruto for his personal desire to save Koyomi and let her soul rest in peace. After pulling out the Philosopher's Stone out of Gremlin's body, it transformed into a ring, which he used to defeat Gremlin with one heck of a Rider Kick featuring all of the various appearances of the WizarDragon while he is our world and have a Rider Kick that looks similar to Wizard All Dragon's Rider Kick. To make it memorable is that he is in his default Fire Style he did the finisher.

Now that everything is over, what's next for the characters of the show? Haruto wanting to hide the ring in a place somewhere safe makes sense. Shunpei wanting to become Wajima's apprentice is quite a surprise. To be honest, if Shunpei ended up becoming Wajima's apprentice earlier in the series, I might start caring more about the character. Mayu is now working for Section Zero continues her motivation of using her powers for good. Lastly, Kousuke wanting to look for Beast Chimera kinda makes sense. I mean, he bonded with the guy for a long time now and quite likely, he wants to hang with around with him a bit more. Having Yuzuru tag along with this quest is quite nice.

Now that the main Kamen Rider Wizard story is now over, it is time for some side quest as Haruto ends up in some parallel world thanks to a magic stone! What will happen in this parallel world and who is this mysterious man who likes to dress up as past Kamen Rider villains? I guess it is for us to find out in the special Kamen Rider Wizard story arc featuring Kamen Riders Decade and Gaim!