Sunday 17 March 2013

Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger 04 – The European Marksman

In this episode, we are officially introduced to Ian aka KyoryuBlack, a marksman who never misses a target... except for a couple. One of those misses happen during the day he was chosen by Parasagun to become his partner. How is this related to this episode, well we learn about it later.

Ian's episode can be partially compared to the episode where Jetman's Gai Yuki was first introduced. He is doesn't want to be part of the team and as much as possible, he doesn't want to be related with them. The only difference between Gai and Ian is that Gai doesn't have a sad past that prevents him in joining the Jetman. He just doesn't want to join them. As for Ian, he doesn't want to join the team because he wasn't able to save a friend when he was attacked by the Debo Monster in this episode, the Debo Dorobus.

His appearance of course, caused Ian to remember his anger towards the Debo Doronbus and during the time he had the opportunity to shoot him to save Red, he can't do the shot because of his past. Oh well, at least Blue and Pink is fantastic in this scene and showed us their great teamwork when they save Red from Debo Doronbus. The MOTW managed to escape after Green performed the finisher and so, Red wonders what's wrong with Black before they returned to the base and saw Torin looking for the missing Beast Battery #13 Kentrospiker. To those who remembered the last scene in the previous episode, Ian has it. Now I wonder how this will turn out...

Speaking of which, after seeing some great bike fight action, something that the current Kamen Rider show is missing, Black appears and uses the Kentrospiker battery only for it not to work properly on the Gaburevolver. In short, its power is so strong that a single Gaburevolver can't handle it. With that in mind, the MOTW used this opportunity to attack Black only for Red to shield him from it. This scene showed us that Red still cares for Black even though Black keeps on treating him badly. For some reason, it reminded me the relationship Jetman's Ryu and Gai had.

Back in the base, King finally reveals that he knows Black's identity, that he is Ian, the playboy we met earlier. To sum up what are his thoughts about his teammates, he doesn't need teamwork and prefers to work alone. The reaction of his teammates is something I expect, I mean, King risked his own life to save Ian from the attack earlier and all his manner of saying thanks is outright telling everyone that he doesn't need friends or teammates?! I will be angry if I hear it!

Black's leaving is also a perfect opportunity to have a flashback scene thanks to King bugging him about the last time he missed a shot. This is when we learned that he was studying about ancient ruins and has a treasure hunter for a friend. It is the only time he missed a shot when he tried to save his friend. What made matters worse is that his friend was killed by Debo Doronbus and he lived thanks to Parasagun. So basically, he is carrying the guilt of losing a friend and it is likely the reason why he became a Kyoryuger.

Later, the Debo Doronbus begins his second attack in the city and to make matters a bit worse, their Beast Batteries are not fully charged and not yet ready for action. This is when we see more of King being awesome. He doesn't care if they don't have the power to completely defeat them. All he cares is that they can prevent them from causing more harm, to be more specific, the five of them will prevent them. Wait a minute; he is waiting Ian to join them?! He is also quite an optimist by the way.

The fights in this scene are really amazing. The only complain I have with the fights is with Amy's case, you can easily differentiate the fights featuring her stunt double and her actress too easily with the legs. If I were the director, I will just give her long socks so that it is easier for me to fool the viewers. Now that I am done complaining about how bad Amy's stunt legs look like, there is one guy that surprised me in this scene and that is Lakkiero aka the other half of the not so evil duo of Deboss' happiness division. This little stuff toy looking assistant to the enemy commander can actually fight!

As for Ian, he realized that King can be quite pushy that he decided to finally help them. To make it perfect, King is once again, on the clutches of the Debo Doronbus! King gives his full trust that Ian can make the shot and yes, he did make the shot and saved King from Debo Doronbus' clutches. Now that the team is fully assembled and that the Beast Batteries are fully charged, it is time for the first team transformation and the first official team roll call now that they are officially a team. The only thing that I can say about it is that they didn't use the stock footage background shots for the roll call scenes.

I have nothing to say much about the fights since they look really great. But if there is one thing that I want to talk in this scene is the introduction of the Kentrospiker. The weapon is basically is a giant sword similar to Gaoranger's Hajahyakujuuken (literally means Purifying Beast Sword); the only difference is that they didn't perform one slash finisher, but instead we have a move featuring a flying Kentrospiker ramming towards the MOTW! To be honest, I kinda hated it at first but after realizing that the weapon doesn't look like something you can't do a slash finisher because of its spikes, I started to appreciate the move a bit more.

Now that the MOTW is defeated in its default mode, it is time for the giant battle! But since Black wants to repay Red for what he did, he calls forth his Voltasaur partner, Parasagun who looks like he is residing in some castle in Europe. With Zakutor and Gabutyra, they create the Kyoryuzin Western! One thing that I can complain about the formation sequence is that the folding arm sequence doesn't look as cool when they first formed the Kyoryuzin back in the show's 2nd episode. Since the name of this formation is Kyoryuzin Western, it has this really cool Western backdrop after the formation is over.

Enough with the visuals, it's time to see this baby in action. Considering that the way our heroes pilot the mecha is by doing movements inside it, obviously, they will use their hand as a gun to shoot the giant enemy. Though it kinda looks cool, it looks a bit childish in some instances. Even if that is the case, the giant fight in this episode looks really fantastic, the sun set background added the flair of the fight, and the only thing that I can complain in the fight is the CGI. There are some instances that it doesn't look natural. As for the finisher, it's lame.

At the end, Ian wasn't able to retrieve the jewel that was stolen by the Debo Doronbus and that they need to return all the things the MOTW stole. Back in the Deboss Legion's base, we learned that Aigaron gave the cloak that Debo Doronbus is wearing and second, he has the jewel. By the looks of it, it is safe to conclude that he ordered Debo Doronbus to get this jewel for him. The bigger question is why he needed the jewel.