Sunday 17 March 2013

Power Rangers Megaforce 05 – United We Stand


Because of Beezara, the friendship between Gia and Emma was destroyed. Can they rekindle the destroyed friendship or will it continue to go into ruin? Did I mention that this episode marks the debut of Sky Gosei Great?

If there is one thing important to note in this episode is Vrak's first appearance in front of our heroes. For starters, he is wearing something different when he faced them, it doesn't look insect-like, but it looks animalistic! Thankfully, Noah pointed this out and hopefully, they will continue to bring it up in later episodes. Now for the friendship plot, to be honest, I hated it. I will expand more into it later in this review. But for now, I'll talk about some of the good stuff in this episode.

One of the best parts in this episode is its original content. The original content such as how they were able to make the quarrel between Gia and Emma more authentic. In addition, Aelien or should I say, Beezara's Power Rangers exclusive power of forcing women to fight each other makes a lot of sense. It makes sense because it is the exact opposite of Beezara's main power, to attract males to become her slaves. As for these males, it is fun to see the three male Rangers doing menial work for her. It was fun to watch and for some reason, Troy's acting is good if he just shuts up.

Because they are now living in Beezara's hive, the girls are looking for them, which lead to another fight on what method to use to look for the guys. This is when we see more how they will adapt the Super Sentai footage and put it in their advantage. It is really amazing on how they trapped the guys in her hive so that the Goseiger footage will flow a bit smoothly. One thing to note in this scene is how they use the original Ropeplant Card move into one of Beezara's abilities to bind Emma and for them to insert the footage featuring Yellow making her dynamic entrance. The transition of these scenes look really great and the only time you'll notice it is if you watched the original Goseiger episode recently.

Now to my major complain in this episode, how they resolved this issue. I like how the boys try their best to make the girls realize that they are best of friends for years now. But they are disabled for a bit thanks to Beezara shutting them up. My complaint about the resolution, it doesn't feel authentic. Emma's acting made it sound like she is not sincere. Granted, there is this realization scene for Emma but how they break the spell is something that I find really cheap. They break the spell because of the power of friendship, which caused Gosei to give Emma the Sky Brothers card. Well that is one bad way to introduce new toys!

The next part is some great Goseiger footage and the boys finally back to normal... and we have a brief flirting scene between Gia and Jake before we proceed to the giant fight. The way they dub the scene doesn't sync well when it comes to body movements. Since the giant fight is obviously Goseiger footage, you can just check my thoughts about it in my review of the episode where this episode is based upon. The episode ends with one of the photos Gia and Emma printed getting published in a local newspaper because they discovered some rare flower. Oh well, at least the two are friends again... in a really convenient manner.