Friday 15 March 2013

Kamen Rider BLACK 16 – Ryusuke Taki, Friend or Foe?


In this episode, a man named Ryusuke Taki is targeting some important men for some unknown purpose. Thus, Kotaro decides to investigate it. Is Ryusuke a friend or foe? Is he part of Gorgom or a different organization?

When I first watched the episode back when I had a Kamen Rider BLACK marathon years ago, this is one of those episodes that I seriously like. This episode is awesome in a sense that they are trying to build the mystery behind the man who tried to assassinate some important official. The brief rivalry between Kotaro and Ryusuke is one of the reasons why I really like this episode. Just like most rivalries in the Kamen Rider franchise, it was made thanks to misunderstanding. To be honest, a little misunderstanding is fine, just as long as don't drag it for 3-5 episodes. In this case, it only lasted a few minutes.

But before talking about how they resolved it, there is something I would like to point out, that is the fight between Kotaro and Ryusuke. Seriously, it is really amazing that I am at the edge of my seat watching it! But thanks to a scream from somewhere, it ended and along with it, is the end of the rivalry between the two. What made this "save the civilian" scene really great is Ryusuke. His reaction to the appearance of the MOTW gave us an idea that he is not part of Gorgom. Second is how he fight the MOTW, instead of running away with the civilian, he did some awesome soccer move called "Dragon Shoot" to hit the MOTW, giving Kotaro an idea on who he is.

We learned that Ryusuke is Nobuhiko's senior in his university. What made it interesting is that we learned that Nobuhiko and Kotaro are studying in different universities, and they play for their respective soccer teams. This gave me an idea that they are conditioning the minds of the two candidates to the Creation Kings to kill each other if the time comes. Aside from that, we also learned that Ryusuke is an Interpol agent. No wonder his name sounds a bit familiar! His name is homage to the original Taki from the original Kamen Rider series! Now that everything is clear, it is time to talk about the Gorgom's plot in this episode.

The plot in a nutshell is to use quartz to create earthquakes and the important person that Taki attacked earlier has the Super Quartz, quartz so powerful that it can last for extreme heats. The plot doesn't sound interesting at first in face value, but the idea behind it is to use stuff things created by humans against them. It's interesting in a sense that finally, they have a plan that is kinda brutal and something that is not that ridiculous!

So how Kotaro and Ryusuke can will stop it? By doing what makes Kamen Riders awesome, the ability to troll their opponents! The way they trolled Gorgom in this episode is so awesome that I don't want to spoil it! The fight scenes in this episode are really fantastic and to top it all off, Kamen Rider used Ryusuke's Dragon Shoot move to weaken the MOTW before finishing it with a Punch and later, with a Kick. At the end, Ryusuke leaves but assures Kotaro that somewhere out there, he has allies that will fight for a common cause, to defeat Gorgom. The final scene is my biggest disappointment in this episode; I want Taki to stay after his introduction! He is one great character and I wish he will stay longer, kinda like what the original Taki did in Kamen Rider.