Saturday 28 July 2012

Kamen Rider Fourze vs Sagittarius Nova [Updated]

Kamen Rider Fourze vs Sagittarius in Supernova Mode
Here is the latest image from the latest Japanese magazines depicting the supposed final battle against Kamen Rider Fourze and the Sagittarius Zodiart in its Supernova Mode.

As revealed in the latest episode summaries, Chairman Gamou will now reveal his real identity in front of Gentarou and the Kamen Rider Club as the leader of the Horoscopes. More information will be posted as new scans get released. Stay tuned!

Kamen Rider Fourze vs Sagittarius Nova [Updated]
UPDATED: Here's another image depicting the fight between Kamen Rider Fourze and Sagittarius Nova. Fourze had resorted in using all of its forms, including the Rocket States, to be able to defeat the leader of the Horoscopes.