Sunday 10 November 2013

Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger 33 – Utchy, Protector of Womankind?

Why Utchy is so moe~?

Because of Ian's womanizing ways, Utchy is well, pissed about it and decides to guard the man from flirting with girls, especially the one arriving from Europe. But things become more interesting when this girl turns out to be a target of the Deboth Legion!

What makes this episode fun to watch is that we kinda see Utchy finally having enough with Ian's womanizing ways that he wants to guard the next girl Ian will date. The reason why it is fun is how Utchy reacted; it kinda reminded me that he is basically a man from the past stuck in our time! Speaking of Utchy, the way he reacts to girls approaching him shows us why he sucks at interacting with girls, making his reactions kinda cute and authentic in the process.

Now back to the plot of the episode, it is about one of Ian's girlfriends and she is now a Deboth target. What's funny is Ian just grabbed her and ran away with her without explaining to his team or to the audience the reason behind it, which leads to some great reactions coming from the team, especially with Utchy. Heck, the only time we are aware that she is a Deboth target is when we have a flashback scene featuring Ian making a comment on her picture, now with a close-up on why she is a Deboth target! This is best part of the episode, this reveal.

Earlier in the episode, we have the same scene mentioned above minus the close-up. Ian's comment sounded like that she doesn't want his other girlfriend that he has other girlfriends in Japan or that Utchy wants to kill him, which made the comment sound like it is made for comedy. Fast forward to the reveal, that simple "funny" comment turns out to be a major point in the episode because as we all know, the Deboth Legion is also looking for the other Lost Stones. When you think about it, it's quite clever for the writer and the director on that they did some early foreshadowing of the plot without the audience knowing it since we are focused on the fact that this episode is about Utchy wanting to protect Ian's girlfriends from his womanizing ways.

Speaking of womanizing ways, the episode finally explains why Ian is womanizing and the explanation is... kinda weak. The reason why Ian is womanizing is kinda like the same reason why a host in Japanese host clubs work, to make women happy when they are sad. Even though one of Ian's girlfriends added that Ian is cheering girls up because he understands the pain of losing a friend, it doesn't explain why he is flirting some girl in one flashback scene where his friend is still alive. But what the heck, at least this explanation convinced Utchy and obviously solved his doubts that Ian is just playing with his girls.

With renewed faith on Ian, he finally accepts that Ian is a friend to womankind when Ian and the other Kyoryugers rescued him and the girlfriend from the pocket dimension created by the MOTW. Speaking of which, Ian's entrance is seriously badass. Now that the team is complete and we are done with the obligatory fight scenes, it's time to use the new finisher now that Utchy's trust on Ian is restored. The finisher of the Victory and Maximum Beast Batteries is the same as the regular Victory finisher, except with more heads depending on how many extra Kyoryugers are currently in the team.

As for the giant battle, it was okay and it's nice to see Pteraidenoh in action again after the last episode. What's cool is that they used Pteraidenoh Parasagun to finish the MOTW instead of the standard Pteraidenoh Western or with the other Kyoryuger mecha doing the finisher for them. At the end, Ian's girlfriend gave the Lost Stone and Utchy gets the girls. Speaking of girls, Aigaron in this episode tries to impress Canderrilla by being cool with a little help from Luckyuro. Sadly, we didn't see any of fruit of his plan to impress her in this episode. Oh well, at least Utchy has the girls even though he doesn't want it.