Here's the teaser trailer of the upcoming drama adaptation of Tohru Fujisawa's Kamen Teacher manga. The drama stars Kis-My-Ft2's Taisuke Fujigaya as the titular hero Gouta Araki aka Kamen Teacher Hayato Jumonji.
Kamen Teacher is a motorcycle riding hero whose job is to bring light to trouble schools by putting down delinquents. In this series, he is assigned in the notorious Class C and faces a powerful student named M4 (played by Fuma Kikuchi). Can he change this delinquent's ways without resorting the use of the Kamen Teacher persona?
Kamen Teacher will begin this July 6th.
Kamen Teacher is a motorcycle riding hero whose job is to bring light to trouble schools by putting down delinquents. In this series, he is assigned in the notorious Class C and faces a powerful student named M4 (played by Fuma Kikuchi). Can he change this delinquent's ways without resorting the use of the Kamen Teacher persona?
Kamen Teacher will begin this July 6th.