Sunday 13 January 2013

Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger the Movie: The Flying Ghost Ship Review

After GokaiSilver's officially joined the team in the series, comes one epic adventure that he missed! In this movie, the Gokaigers search for the God Eye, an item that can grant any wish. Problem is, it is only found in a ghost ship that is travelling in the cosmos and it has finally arrived on Earth. Our pirates didn't waste any opportunity just to have this treasure currently guarded by a ghost named Losdark who wants to live again just to grant his own wish!

Before talking about the main content about this movie, let's talk about the guys who only made a brief appearance in this movie. First is GokaiSilver, Gai Ikari as he only appears to show us his training and be the first guy to fight the Fake GokaiOh. The fight between the GokaiSilver and the Fake GokaiOh is seriously fun to watch. I just love that Gai wondered if he is fighting the actual GokaiOh in a different garb or fighting a fake one. Thankfully, he is fast in picking up that he is fighting a fake GokaiOh.

Even though he is fighting a fake GokaiOh, much to my surprise its skills are on par with the GouZyuJin with more dirty tricks to give him an advantage in battle! At the end, the Fake GokaiOh returns to the ghost ship. And that's about it, that's the only thing Gai did in this entire movie that is really important to the plot. After giving the pictures of the ghost ship off screen, the Gokaigers are all set to look for the ship and find the mysterious God Eye.

But before talking about their search, Zangyack also made a brief appearance in the movie because they also want the God Eye so that they can wish conquest of the planet Earth! But before they can land on the ghost ship, it changed its course, causing Insarn and Barizorg not to land on the exact spot that they planned to land. What's next is just Warz Gill being frustrated, do some drop kicks out of frustration and they are done for the entire movie.

As for the Gokaigers, they finally entered the ghost ship only to be greeted by three ghost voiced by three tokusatsu music legends. If you can name the voices of these ghost, you sir can easily appreciate this brief voice cameo but if not, then you might only see these guys as nuisance. But hey, at least they pointed out the exact location of the God Eye inside the ship and that is something! As for me, I find them really entertaining. Seriously, it's rare to have a voice cameo coming from these legends, especially if two of them are the ones who performed the opening theme song of Himitsu Sentai Goranger!

The Gokaigers finally meet the owner of the ship, Losdark who is slowly getting revived by eating the souls to those foolish creatures who want the God Eye. At first, I find it weird since he is the owner of the ship and yet he can't touch the God Eye to grant his wish of conquest of the entire universe. As it turns out, only living creatures can touch it and if the Gokaigers want the treasure, they must escape Losdark's dimension, which is filled with the souls of departed Super Sentai villains who are now his minions!

In the dimension, we are then welcomed to the set of Go-Onger vs. Gekiranger. Yep, and it is also the same set of the Twin Cam Angel episode of Special Police Dekaranger! Oh Toei and your love to recycle old film locations! Unlike those mentioned that featured something Chinese in it, instead we have something really different. We have an army of past Super Sentai foot soldiers or as like Marvelous calls, an army of cannon fodder. Much to my surprise, this army of cannon fodder can actually talk and it is not just the traditional grunt noises! Did I mention that a Nanashi leads this army of cannon fodder?

Even if that is the case, the fight in this scene is really fantastic. What's more, the fight reminded me a lot of Timeranger's fights due to the use of the camera to give this sense of stop motion animation. Because an army of cannon fodder can't beat a group of five, they decided to combine into one creature. Wait, what?! At first I find it really absurd but after seeing the actual suit, I say, I am impressed, quite impressed! What I didn't expect is that the Gokaigers actually had a hard time fighting this abomination. The problem is, they the fusion is incomplete as each cannon fodder wants a spotlight in battle!

This only leads to their destruction as the Gokaigers thought that they are dancing! To make it funnier, the reason why this creature is dancing is because of the internal struggle of the fused creature! To make it more fun, the same color schemes and foot soldier types are the ones who are fighting, giving something older fans to look for every time they watch this movie. Because they are dancing, the Gokaigers figure out that they should beat them with a Super Sentai team that has something to do with dancing. After beating this creature with Battle Fever J's Pentaforce finisher, it is time for the return of one classic enemy.

After 35 years, Baseball Mask returns to the field to fight the successors of the group that defeat him, the Gorangers! Baseball Mask gave me a better look on the Goranger monsters. All I can say is, they look ridiculous and if my memory serves me correctly, these creatures are basically item + mask and their moves are based on that item! Heck, I remembered that the first episode of Goranger that GokaiRed's actor, Ryota Ozawa watched has something to do with a Pineapple Mask! Since we are talking about a Goranger enemy, the Gokaigers transformed into the Gorangers, complete with a background image coming from the show's opening sequence!

Since they are fighting Baseball Mask, they fight him in a game of baseball of course! Much to my surprise, he sucks in this game as the Gokaigers made him strike twice. As for the third strike, is one brief cameo coming from the G3 Princess! To those who are not aware, I love this limited idol unit from Go-Onger that I wish they make more episodes about them doing cute things together like ride a roller coaster or do some sexy pose training. You know the fun stuff. Because these girls are so cute, it caused the end of Baseball Mask... again.

Now that they are done with Baseball Mask and that the skull door back to the real world is getting smaller, making their lives a bit more difficult is Agent Abrella. To those who don't know this guy, he is a black market dealer that provided the Alienizers the Dekarangers faced in the show equipment and their Monster Mechs. One thing I notice is that the Agent Abrella suit is quite new since I notice that his wings are shorter compared to the original Agent Abrella suit.

Because the door back to our world is becoming smaller, the other Gokaigers entrusted Marvelous to continue their dream to grab the greatest treasure of the universe. One thing that I like about this scene is that even though they will not say anything, I can see how much faith Marvelous' teammates have on him as their leader and as their friend. As for Marvelous, he also has this kind of faith with his teammates, that they can leave this dimension without his help as Marvelous will try to grab the God Eye to grant their dream to obtain the greatest treasure of the universe.

Marvelous finally escaped while as the other Gokaigers, they are fighting Abrella's men as the Dekarangers. In the real world, he is welcomed by Losdark and fights him. One thing that I like about the scene is that we saw Marvelous' resolve about his teammates even after the door to the other dimension is finally closed. The fight between Marvelous and Losdark is really fantastic that I can only sum it up in a single word and describing it will ruin the experience for other people. To put it simply, just see it for yourself. The only disappointment I have with the fight scene is that it ended with some laser sword slash attack after minutes of seeing great non-CGI action.

Now that he is done fighting Losdark, it is time for Marvelous to grab the God Eye. As expected, he wished for the return of his teammates! Just like all powerful wishing devices, it can only be used once. Unlike the Dragon Balls that takes at least a year for them to be useable, the God Eye is not anymore useable after Marvelous' single wish. Now that his teammates are back, Marvelous finally tells them that the God Eye they got is a fake one. To put it simply, Marvelous is being shy that he wished his teammates back. But if I will base it on his teammates' faces, I guess they got the message.

All five Gokaigers are assembled and it is time to finish Losdark once and for all! The flashy Gokai Blast and Slash in this movie is really well done. I love the flashy way they throw ten Ranger Keys in the air only for it to automatically flip and land on their weapons on the correct slots. What's more, instead of the usual Blast and Slash finisher scene, we have the "spirits" of the Gorangers being formed in this move! But that alone is not enough to kill Losdark. Now comes the fun part in this movie, the battle between the fake GokaiOh and the real GokaiOh.

Pirates being pirated jokes aside, the fight is one amazing CGI fest. Just this once, Toei actually has the budget to spend a lot on CGI in this 30 minutes and 59-second movie. Though we have some scenes featuring the actual suits fighting but for most of the time, especially during the scenes with a heavy focus on shots outside the ship, we have CGI robots. All I can is that Toei's CGI team did a great job to create one good CGI robot fight scene. Though it is not on par with the Hollywood CGI robot fights in the Michael Bay's Transformers movies, it's still pretty darn impressive for a Japanese production to produce such CGI fights.

Much to my surprise, the fake GokaiOh actually had an upper hand with the original GokaiOh but before it can finish the original, the original GokaiOh has some tricks left in its sleeve. The Gokaigers summoned some past Super Sentai machines namely, the Variblune, PatStriker, MagiDragon, GekiTiger and the Dragon Headder. And yes, only one of them is not an animal-based Super Sentai machine. To be honest, this scene is a perfect opportunity for them to summon the Sky Ace and do a JAKQ GokaiOh but nope, they wasted this opportunity for a small car. For crying out loud, the Sky Ace is freakin' bird machine!

At the end, these five machines defeated the fake GokaiOh and in the process, destroy the ghost ship and the fake GokaiOh. The movie ends with Gai inside Gokai Galleon, wondering if they got the treasure. Only to receive a reply that they found a fake treasure much to Gai's disappointment... and Navi forgetting him in the poem (?) that he made. So yeah, Gai missed one heck of an adventure and it partly his fault on why he didn't appear in the Galleon earlier in the movie!

Overall, just like the past Super Sentai summer movies that I watched, it is one fun movie and just like my disappointment to some previous Super Sentai summer movies, the movie is too short. Even if that is the case, they were able to maximize the main contents of the story properly within 30 minutes and 59 seconds of run time. Also, one thing I noticed about this movie is that unlike the Super Sentai summer movies that I watched that introduced a movie exclusive mecha add-on, we only have the fake GokaiOh that never have its own toy! Again, this movie is a perfect opportunity for them to release a Gokaiger version of the Variblune or even the Sky Ace! Especially the Sky Ace for crying out loud!