Thursday 25 October 2012

More Kamen Rider Ryuki S.H. FiguArts Coming Soon

The Tamashii Nations 2012 event also featured the Kamen Riders from the 2002 Kamen Rider series, Kamen Rider Ryuki! Aside from the Riders, the event also featured their respective Contract Monster that came from the Mirror World.

Seen in the event is the soon to be released S.H. FiguArts Kamen Rider Ryuga and Dragblacker, S.H. FiguArts Kamen Rider Ryuki Survive, S.H. FiguArts Kamen Rider Knight Survive and S.H. FiguArts Kamen Rider Ouja and Venosnaker that is part of the S.H. FiguArts Genocider.

The event also featured future S.H. FiguArts from the Kamen Rider Ryuki line, namely: Kamen Rider Femme and Blancwing, Kamen Rider Scissors and Volcancer, Kamen Rider Tiger's Contract Monster DestwilderKamen Rider Imperer and Gigazelle, Kamen Rider Verde and Biogreeza, Kamen Rider Odin and Gold Phoenix,  and Pseudo-Rider Alternative and Psycorogue.

The release dates of the new S.H. FiguArts from Kamen Rider Ryuki is still unknown as of this writing.