Thursday 19 September 2013

Ultraman Ginga 03 – Kenta's Motivation

And Taro is quite moe in this episode.

We learned that Hikaru's friend, Kenta lost his motivation to become a photographer. It all changed thanks to a girl. But Misuzu is concerned about Kenta because she feels that there is something wrong with the girl.

With a series lasting for 12 episodes and with the show's number of support characters, it's no surprise that this episode is focused on Kenta, one of the other two support characters in the series that I don't care since episode 1. Revealing the fact that he has a dream to become a professional photographer made me care for the guy a bit. By a bit, I mean, he finally has some personality aside from the other guy in the show. Also, if the earlier minutes of the episode is hinting us to something, it seems that he has a crush on Misuzu, but with Hikaru around, he can't make a move.

Since Hikaru is around and he is pretty close to Misuzu, it is no surprise that he will lose any motivation to try and get the girl. But I guess he is able to get through it thanks to a girl who recently visited their old school. Kenta's crush to this new girl kinda reminded me of those typical older girl crushes most guys have. This kind of plot is used a lot of times now that it's getting a little dull unless you put some twist in it. And boy, the twist is something that I didn't expect to see. The earlier minutes of the episode hints that Kenta will use a Dark Spark in this episode, but it is later revealed that Kenta's crush is the Dark Spark user!

The girl's motivation of becoming a Dark Spark user felt a bit bland. I mean, she keeps on reminiscing the past but she wants to burn the school and starts talking about crushing hopes and dreams? Man, her motivations are quite twisted. Outside of the plot, the monster battle in this episode is really interesting. It feels like the show finally understands how to make a good monster battle. My only problem with it is that the keep on talking while they are fighting! This is not what I want to see in a monster battle! What I want to see are monsters fighting and all I hear are roars, not a girl whining about her broken hopes and dreams!

The new Ultraman Ginga finisher is a bit underwhelming, even though his new finisher has something to do with a sword. I mean, the finisher is basically Ginga cracking the ground to summon lava? It's not as awesome as the ones we have in the previous two episodes! Hopefully the next finisher is better than this one. At the end, the girl apologized for what she did, especially with Kenta since she just used him.

As for Ultraman Taro, aside from getting a bit lucky early in the episode when he is watching the girl strip before revealing her true nature, he is kidnapped by Ichijouji. This is when we learned why he is lurking behind Hikaru and Misuzu in the previous episode, he is also a Dark Spark user and that his partner is a robot giant named Jean Killer. What's his mission and why he is a Dark Spark user?