Wednesday 13 November 2013

Hikari Sentai Maskman 29 – Jet Cannon Takes Flight!

The final phase for the creation of the new Maskman finishing weapon is not yet over because of some problems when it comes to Aura Power. To make matters worse, Tube attacks the city with a special kind of gas that can destroy everything! Can our heroes finish the new weapon just in time?

What makes this episode really great is not the creation of the new finishing weapon called the Jet Cannon but the ones behind its creation, the dedicated engineer named Akaiki and the Maskmen. The episode finally explained why he is kinda rushing our heroes to finish the new weapon aside from the possible Tube attack is that he wants his revenge for what Tube did to his town 20 years ago. His reason for revenge is justified during the duration of the episode because as it turns out, the reason why he is easily exhausted if he works hard is because the gas that was released in his town affected his body.

As for the Maskmen, what's interesting about them in this episode is that they think that they can defeat Tube without using a finishing weapon because they managed to do it in the previous episode. I love that Akaiki thinks that they are just being arrogant that they can do such feat and ignore the efforts put by the engineers who are making their new weapon. That is why even though it sounds kinda cruel; the scene where we see their weapons melt made me cheer for the engineers working for our heroes. It's all thanks to them that they have the weapons to fight Tube.

So what happened to the weaponless Maskmen? They ended up running away from Tube. As for Takeru, he ended up meeting Akaiki and learned his story and that is why he decided to help him finish the Jet Cannon with his Aura Power. Even if it's just a short time, we see the two bonds and have this common ground when it comes to fighting Tube. This is when I noticed that Takeru doesn't think of Akaiki as just some nameless engineer who is making weapons for them, but an ally of justice who helps them with their fight against Tube.

With his Aura Power, the Jet Cannon is finally finished! What surprised me with its creation is that the covering and later, the system for the new cannon finisher basically appeared out of nowhere after Takeru inserted his Aura in it. I know that Aura Power can create incredible stuff such as Aura ladders and the like, but a working system for a cannon finisher is something that surprised me because I saw the Maskmen build a freakin' car in their garage. Oh well, at least the weapon making process is now over, so let's start talking about the new weapon!

The Jet Cannon is better compared to the Shot Bomber when it comes to portability. I mean, this cannon can fly and you don't need a backpack to power it up! What's more is that it is powered by Aura Power and has this really cool transformation sequence! My only problem with it is that the jet design doesn't feel right sometimes for a cannon. I mean, the portability and flight capabilities is cool and all, but the way they shot how the cannon fires the blast made me feel that there's a bad design choice when it comes to its appearance. The giant fight in this episode is as always, fun to watch and the world is once again safe.